In Love With The New Sensei (Chapters 1-3)



Aiyama seems to be staring off into space, even though she’s supposed to be the smart one here. It’s like she was thinking over everything inside her head, and totally zoning us out. I wouldn’t say she was stupid, but she sure seemed like it, just staring out into nowhere, not seeing the people around her. I liked her attitude, but it seemed she also didn’t care about much either.

I stood right next to Sasuke, who seemed not very happy at the idea of having Aiyama as his sensei, especially since she’s younger, and stronger than him, though, still like a little kid. None of us talked, but I could sense the anger of Sasuke and Sakura, they already don’t like her. Actually, you could say the Sakura hates her even more now, because instead of just being her younger sister, Aiyama is her sensei too.

You would be able to spot Aiyama from a mile away because of her neon orange hair, maybe even see her from space. Her get-up was real weird, but you could stare at it for hours on end, because of its bright uniqueness. I hope I wasn’t staring at her, even though I don’t think anyone knew what I was doing. How could someone be so weird? She’s exactly the opposite of Sakura, except the part they she was really beautiful, way more than Sakura. Aiyama was like a bright, shining star, and compared to Sakura, she was a whole galaxy of eye-catching stars.

She had a fun, adventure-loving aura around her, maybe that’s why I liked her. I’m surprised anyone could hate her; she just seems like the person that could make a friend a minute. I still wonder what her real hair color is…I just know it’s not orange. Hopefully I can get to know her better; she has more to her than happiness and straightforwardness to her. Maybe I’ll see if she’d become a friend…


Yeah, I stared out into space for awhile, but I did know Spiky Hair was staring at me, but it made no difference to me, a lot of boys stare. Sometimes girls too, but that’s usually because they hate that their boyfriend stares at me as I walk by. I don’t care if boys stare at me, it’s no skin off my bones, plus, I don’t even try to have them stare at me. I can just be walking by, in my own business, not being flirty—which I hate, I’ve never been flirty—and they’ll stare anyways.

That’s probably why I have no friends my age, the girls hate that all the guys stare, and the guys, I would be friends with tons of them if it wasn’t for the drool factor they have when I talk to them. Whenever I try to make friends, they either glare, and walk away, or stare at me, drooling like a starving dog. It sometimes bugs me, but I never let it get any closer to my brain than what I look like. All my friends—even if I don’t have many—still think I’m annoying, but at least they don’t drool or glare at me.

Maybe Naruto—wow, I just said his real name—maybe, he’ll be different than all the others. But, again, I’m not real good with how people feel. All I know is that I’m pretty sure he’s staring at me because of the color of my hair, not because I’m wearing a bikini under a jacket—I hope.

I guess I should test their skills now, but I don’t really want to. Only because I want to go wander around town, pulling pranks on people, which I can’t do if I haven’t dismissed them. Hmm, I could just dismiss them, but that’d mean I’d have to fight them at some other time, which I don’t want to—at all.

Snapping out of my spacey mood, I waved my hand in front of Naruto’s face, but he didn’t respond. Oops, I guess since he stared at me for so long, now he’s spaced out. And I don’t think he knows how to get out of it. I could just pinch him—but that no fun—so I’ll bring him back to reality the fun way.

Standing in front of him, I put my index finger on the middle of his headband, and pushed ever so slightly. He tipped over, and fell like a plank of wood to the ground. I love that small thud they make when they hit it, but they immediately wake up after they get hurt—so no more fun for me. Naruto sat up and rubbed his head—completely clueless to what just happened. He asked me what happened, so I bent down to tell him, I could tell he knew he did something embarrassing. But I didn’t want him to be humiliated about staring at me.

“You zoned out, that’s all,” I said quietly to him, half-smiling.

“How’d I do that?” he asked me, did I have to explain everything?

“Well, you kinda stared at me…” I said even more quietly so Uchiha and Sakura couldn’t here me. Naruto gulped like he was in big trouble, and started to turn red, like—well, I don’t really know what it was like, but no guy’s done that around me before. All they do is stare, and drool. In a bad sense too. Him, he was I guess just wondering why my hair was orange—I think I’ll explain that later. I smiled even more—for once—I had a genuine smile on may face. Not one of the super-practiced fake smiles ninety-nine percent of everyone I know get. Only two people have seen non-fake smiles now—it used to just be Kakashi that got them, but I guess Naruto gets to have them too. Lucky him.

“S-s-sorry, I d-d-didn’t—” he started and he kept changing a darker red. This was still the first time I’ve seen this happen, so I have no idea what it means.

I smiled at him even more, and I could see his panic being replaced with his aura of annoying, cluelessness. “That’s okay, a lot of guys stare at me, I’m just glad you were staring at me because of my hair, and not because I’m wearing a bikini,” I said quietly as I helped him up. “But don’t look to see if I’m wearing a bikini!” I said embarrassed. I think he didn’t even notice I was wearing one, so I guess he chose right now to make sure I wasn’t lying. I felt myself blush, but I didn’t know why, I guess just because that was the first time I was so close with a boy that didn’t stare endlessly at me.

“S-sorry I—”

“That’s okay, I know you didn’t mean to.” I whispered to him as I helped him up off the ground. He dusted himself off, and looked back up at me with a massive grin on his face. Again, first time a guy’s done that around me. I guess this means we’re friends—or—something like that—so I gave him a huge genuinely bright and happy smile too. I think it surprised him but I couldn’t have asked for anything better—him being completely oblivious—it makes him look even cuter than before. I still wonder why he has those weird whisker marks on his face though—not that I don’t like them—I’m actually jealous that he has them—but I’m just a naturally curious person—even if curiosity kills the cat.

“Okay, now what?” Naruto asked as he looked over at Uchiha and Sakura who had the what-just-happened? look on their faces.

“Well, I’m gonna test your guys’ skills, you and Uchiha’s.”

“What about Sakura?”

“I already know here skill. Lots of chakra control, smart,” I started and I looked over at Sakura who looked really surprised at me saying this, she won’t for long though. I continued, “And most of all, there is nothing at all unique about her except for her major temper. Other than that, nothing special.” Looking back at Sakura, she was definitely angry, but held it back, which made her face go an ugly red, and a small vein appear in the corner of her forehead.

“So? What do we do? Just show you our jutsus?”

I smiled at him and crossed my arms across my chest. “Nope. That’s too boring. You both are going to fight me. Working together, and trying to defeat me.”

“But, but—”

“Don’t worry! I’ll make it easier for you; I’ll have my hands tied behind my back.”

“Okay, but who’ll do that?”

“Easy, Sakura, not only is she smart, but she can tie an almost impossible knot to untie. And I guess we’ll just use vines or something…unless Sakura has some rope…”

They all stared at me like I was crazy or something well, Naruto was staring at me that way but more like in a ‘bring-it-on’ kind of sense. That’s good, I like it when people have self confidence—unless they have too much self confidence. Oh well, if they do, it’s not my problem. Just standing here, I could tell the Uchiha and Naruto don’t want to work together. I’ll make them though, I truly will.

Sakura walked over to me with a very livid expression on her face. At least I’m letting her tie the knot instead of having Uchiha or Naruto; it always seems to calm her down, no matter what had just happened.

I walked over to Naruto and Uchiha, my hands tied behind my back, though they won’t stay back there for very long. “Okay guys, go ahead, attack me, come on, attack me,” I said plainly, but they just looked at me and blinked. “Saa, you guys, come on! Attack me! Or do I have to be the one to attack you?” They still didn’t do anything. The first day being a sensei—and I’m already ticked off at them. “Fine! I’ll attack you first!”

My style is way different than anyone else’s. None of my jutsus are the same as anyone else’s, and not even my normal punch is. I guess that’s what makes me a tough opponent; no one knows my moves—exactly—unless they’ve fought me. Even if they watched me fight another person, they still wouldn’t be able to grasp the full complexity of all my moves. No one knows my moves—but me—no one knows how to you any of my jutsus—but me. Even if the kid in blue were able to copy my moves with the sharingan, they have a sixty percent of failing rate for imitators.

I did hand signs behind my back—another good trick—they won’t be able to find out what my jutsu is. My legs start feeling squished—but that’s because of my water kick jutsu. They have no idea what’s coming at them. They can’t even see the water around my legs, the water is invisible—but they’ll know it’s there when they get wet from when I kick them.

Not showing anything on my face, I jump into the air above them, and start spinning one of my legs rapidly, like I’m a spinning top. I start coming closer to them, my left leg still spinning. They move out of the way—right into my trap—they moved to my right. I suddenly stopped spinning, and I kicked Uchiha into Naruto with my left leg. I’m glad he was closest to me—he got the full kick—Naruto just got knocked to the ground.

I did a back flip through the air and pulled my arms under my legs, pulling them to the front of my body—I’ve gotten my hands out from behind my back so many times—it was like second nature. I saw no point in breaking the ropes—because then they’d be toast, and I wouldn’t get to know what their styles were. As I landed on the ground, Uchiha came at me with a kunai in hand, and slashed the side of my face. I don’t care if he got a hit in—but that was a cheap move—to attack me when I’m reaching ground.

But it didn’t faze me. He threw four shuriken at me, and I dodged them easily, but I didn’t know Naruto was behind me. He kicked me in the back but instead of falling to the ground, I did a small front flip, and landed on my feet again. I turned around, and blocked a hard kick Uchiha threw at me. I held his foot, and tripped his other leg. He started to fall to the ground, but I threw him far, away from me—making sure that he was too close to the ground to flip over and land on his feet.

I then turned my attention to Naruto, who made a hand sign and doppelgangers appeared around him. This couldn’t be any easier; I have just the technique for that kind of jutsu. I made only a couple hand signs, and I jumped into the air. I curled into a ball, and started spinning rapidly, bursts of fiery air forming around me. All I could think about was finding the real Naruto, so I wouldn’t hit him with my Flame Cannon Jutsu, but I couldn’t sense a greater amount of chakra inside the pool of clones.

I kept spinning, and landed to the ground, smashing pieces of dirt into the air. The flame around me made me shoot forward toward the Spiky Hair clones; one after another disappearing in a puff of smoke as I flattened them to the ground. I could tell there was only two left, so I took the one to the left. Coming closer to it, I could see it panting—it was the real Naruto. It was too late to turn the other way, so I instead unrolled myself—stopping the jutsu completely. I couldn’t stop myself from flying into Naruto and falling to the ground on top of him.