Storm turns

I was sitting on my bed watching Dizzy Sleep not a care in the world I thought about Kyuubi and the others and all they did for me it was better then Living in a cardboard box and wearing rags as clothes in Las Vegas I sighed"thanks Kyuubi-sama and Shukaku-san"I whispered to the window "Sister Storm what are you doing"Dizzy's sleepy voice asked "nothing Dizzy Nothing"I mumbled Sin walked up to me"theres something on your mind"he whispered "Kyuubi-sama hes the reason I can't help but feel indept to him he helped so much even if he didn't know"I mumbled I was only 12 years old trying to be like a mother and sister both I sighed and smiled.Tobe came to my window"Hey Storm Dizzy's alseep I see mmmmmmmmm whatcha thinking about Storm?"she asked questionaly "Teh Biju club and the others"I said and looked at Dizzy out of the corner of my eye"oh I see mmmmm Storm thanks for healing training your a great teacher I now can heal Kin 'ichi and I both"She whispered "I'm not that great ya know Tobe?"I asked"Nah your that good though you have weaknesses and you can't heal yourself if a family member hurts you right?"She asked"yeah thats right more training healing will make you good at it Tobe"I said while pushing off the window sill Dizzy giggled "Dizzy are you awake?I'm going to get chu"I said while moving closer to the lump in my covers called Dizzy she giggled"I'm going to chu Dizzy"I laughed and tickled her through the covers she squealed and laughed Tobe joined in the laughing "I gotta go Bye Dizzy Storm"she said between laughs"okay Tobe"Dizzy and I said then a knock at the door sounded I glared past my door to the entrance door I sighed and picked up Dizzy carring her down stairs with my gaurd cat Sin at my heels his fur fluffed up I sighed and opened the door "hello anyone here"I asked the night no reply I closed the door then another knock I opened my door again to see no one at all I sighed and glared into the Night"WHOS THERE DANG IT I NEED MY SLEEP"I yelled into the night I heard a hhmmmpphhh from someone or something then I saw the long white hair and the scar on the face Scar-Sama "Scar-sama eep I never thought you would vistit me this night at all or period Scar-sama what brings you here?"I asked my sensei Scar he was the wolf who lead me to Kanti and Kante's house I sighed and sat Dizzy down and kneeled so did she.Scar growled at us to show affection Scar was 17 right now though he was hundreds of years old he scolded me on kneeling"What am I going to do with you Stormy?"Scar-sama asked I looked into Scar's red eyes
