Writer's block

Something terrible has happened....i have a major writers block. Heart broken and very sick...so no new ideas. SO sad. hope i can get over it soon. So Sorry for the people who read my world. hope to be back soon. If anyone has an idea to get out of it..Please tell me. Love you all. Bye for now.

Who you are

Today a girl got killed by her boyfriend because he found out she was a transgenders. So im here to talk about gays. Bi, lesbian, transgenders, ect. I want to ask why it is a big deal. If someone likes someone else why should it matter who. if u r...

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Btas, Wolves, Humans, Oh My (Contest)

Bats Prologue I never really thought about dying much. And the few times I did, I always guessed I would end up like my mom. To die quickly but sadly alone lying in some hospital bed with tubes stuck into me. My death seemed not to...

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Love is not Blind, It Sees more not Less, But because it sees more It is willing to see Less Every Story has an End But in Life every End is just a new beginning Do it today.... It might be illegal...

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"So..." The it's midnight but i don't want to go home without you "So..." The feelings bottled up inside waiting to explode "So..." The faint hope she is thinking the same thing "So..." The light at the end of the conversatio...

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