Bionic Assassin [Demo]

Keep in mind, that this might not be in the final story.

It was raining. The raindrops pattering down on the rooftop I stood on. I looked down the side of the building. Cars drove through the air in a giant ocean of light and metal, blurring together. Lucas Thompson was in the opposite building, talking on his cell phone. I aimed my arm, hand spread and fired. The cable zipped through the air and attached to a concrete layer, three stories above him. I tugged on it and jumped. The cars flew past me, wind whipping through my hair. I smashed into the window and disabled my zip line. Lucas jumped up from his seat as I rolled across the floor. I staggered up and grabbed him by his shirt, holding him over the traffic. He clawed at my metal arm. Useless.

"Where are your financial files?" I asked.

"What? Why would you need those?" He yelled.

"I need to see the files for two shops from Upper Haven and two from Lower Haven." I said.

"Not a chance." he said.

I let go for a second before grabbing him again, saving him from a long and painful fall.

"You wouldn't kill me." he smiled.

"You're right. But I can hurt you." I replied.

I threw him through his office wall and got onto his computer. I probably had four minutes at least. I searched through the files, picking chain stores and restaurants from both Upper Haven and Lower Haven. I started printing it out. Lucas pressed a button on the wall. The lights turned red and sirens blared. I pointed a finger at him. A dart shot out of my pointer finger,lodging itself into his neck. Lucas stumbled over a chunk of the wall and collapsed on a desk. The guards were screaming orders, marching up the stairs. One page left. I hid behind the desk. The printer beeped. I got up and took the papers,stuffing them into my jacket.

"Stop right there."said a voice.

I looked up to see the leader of the squad. He had two augmentations for his arms. His hand collapsed in on itself and sprouted a machine gun from its forearm. He walked up to me and threw me towards the door to the office. I let a flash grenade fall out of a compartment in my wrist. It was already pulled. I threw it into the hallway. The guards cowered away as I charged at the augmented commander, a shield protruding from my arm. The commander fired twelve rounds before I tackled him through the window. We fell, spiraling through the air. I punched him in the face, sending him four feet away from me.

I pulled out my pistol and fired up at him. The commander was already shielded and had a pistol in his other hand. We fired at each other, cars flying between us. I shot him in the leg and once in the ribs. I holstered my pistol and grabbed him. He punched me again, and I flew upwards. I twisted around the next projectile. A missile. It sailed past me and exploded against a car. The car fell. It hit me in the back. I rolled backwards on the windshield and grasped the bumper of the car.

The augment fired bullets at me. I hid against the bottom of the falling car. I fired a cable into the car, the other end of the cable topped with a hook. I fired into the street above us that was one of the many streets weaving Upper Haven together. The cable reached its length and ripped the car away, suspending it below the street.

I sprang a sword out of my arm and sliced the commander across the chest. He cried out and kicked me through the air. I shot the commander with my pistol. He was struck in the stomach. Blood trickled up at me. I fired my grappling hook into a street above me and was snatched out of my problem. The augment fell through the air, screaming. His body soon came into contact with another street, bouncing off, and falling closer towards the real floor of Lower Haven. I pressed a button on my arm and was pulled up onto the street. I disconnected the line and pulled myself up onto the sidewalk.

I heaved out a sigh and breathed deeply. The people around me stared. Their suits and dresses, expensive jewelry and watches. The gap between the rich and poor was increasing. Poverty was off the charts and Haven City was the cause. That's what explains my assault on the financial records facility. To compare the amount of money from the stores of Lower and Upper Haven. Lower Haven has more occupants so there should be more money in their pockets right? Wrong. The money is magically transferred into Upper Haven's stores. Another problem with The Pillar system.

I got up and reached the Transport Station. I opened an elevator up and was lowered into the bottom of Haven City.
The elevator and elevator shaft was made of glass, revealing the city scape of Lower Haven, consisting of more lights to look at. I was now in Lower Haven. The elevator doors slid open and I walked into the Transport station. The floor was filthy. The people even more so. They wore torn jackets and shirts. Soot and dirt covered some faces.

I got out of the station and walked onto the street. A cab drove down and I hopped in, directing her to my house.

"Here we are," She said, " twenty-one dollars and five cents."

I handed her twenty two dollars and got out. I opened my front door and walked in. I flicked on the lights and walked into the kitchen. I was starving. I threw a plastic packet into the megawave and pressed a button. One second a packet, the next second, a burger. I took it out of the megawave and closed the door, eating the greasy burger in my hands. The year is 2347. I walked into my study, where a white Mac computer and multiple monitors awaited my viewing. I coughed and the screens flickered on. I put the papers into a copy machine and put a digital copy on my computer, and two paper copies. I had this much dirt on The Pillars and I wasn't going to take chances.

I spoke words to my computer, automatically typing my words down on my digital journal.

"Ran into another augmented official. He is dead due to an extremely long fall from Upper to Lower Haven. Note that most augments are military officials. Are they used as weapons? Or to make life easier? Either way, I'll find out after I visit Dexter Daniels, the creator of augmentations. The day is April 7th 2347." I tried to think of more things to say, but didn't come up with any. "Computer shut down."

The monitors turned off and the computer started to hum. I got up and went into my bedroom, throwing my trench coat onto my dresser. My robotic arm reminded me of my mistakes. The metal seemed to move and breathe with me. I opened a flap on it and pressed it. The arm turned off and disconnected from my body. I put it into the containment unit, where it would clean and maintain my robotic arm to its full capacity.

I climbed into my bed and fell asleep. Where my nightmares awaited.
Washington D.C. , 2342

Gunfire. All I could hear. I was shooting behind cover, the Chinese soldiers attacking us in an office building. A chunk of the office was missing from an explosion in a previous battle. It was raining. A waterfall cascaded down from the floor above us. I got up and shot six Chinese soldiers. They died instantly. All the life in their bodies, vanished.

"C'mon! We gotta push through!" yelled Sgt. Briggs.

I took out my knife and stabbed a soldier in the throat, before shooting him to the ground. Gavin huddled up next to me behind a cubicle. The lights were out and the moon was up. His eyes widened. "Grenade!" We vaulted over the cubicle wall as the grenade exploded, shrapnel ripping through the surrounding cubicles. I fired at incoming soldiers before getting kicked in the head by a cowering soldier. I kicked the soldier back and bombarded him with my M4. The soldier was shot in the back and he collapsed. I clambered up as another cubicle exploded, sending debris out in every direction.

I shot another man down and a fellow comrade fell beside me. I jumped out and fired sixteen bullets at the opposing force. I crawled towards the waterfall to my right. A soldier noticed me and fired. I ducked only to here a ping. A plasma grenade. A grenade that rips you apart from the force. I jumped out of the office building, my only option. It wasn't that far of a fall. The next floor racing up to meet me, gravity pulling me down my feet lan-

I jerked awake. The year is 2347. My name is Adam Jinx.
