News: James Cameron Vs. Kelly Van

Today is a day of unexpected circumstances. For, James Cameron, creator of the hit 2009 movie "Avatar", has become the defendant of a lawsuit launched by book writer Kelly Van, who's accusing that movie of plagiarizing her novel "Sheila the Warrior: The Damned", which was created 10 years prior to the release of this blockbuster hit.

In an attempt to prove that Cameron plagiarzed her book, Van compared the blue people of her book to the blue people of "Avatar" in terms of the follwing similarities listed :

  • attires
  • physiques
  • emotions
  • powers
  • rituals

Furthermore, she also labeled the settings and scenes of "Avatar" (2009) as being ripoffs of those from her book.

In response to this lawsuit, Chris Petrikin from Fox made this arguing comment: "Jim Cameron's treatment for 'Avatar' was written before Ms. Van alleges she even started to write her book".

As for me, I believe it's possible that Cameron might not have actually read "Sheila the Warrior: The Damned" prior to the set up of his movie project. So should this director win this lawsuit, I think we can expect for Kelly Van to apologize for the accusations being made.

Source: inMovies

4:23 PM Canada EST
