SFC - As Told By Rachel

Title: SFC - As Told By Rachel.

Other Title: 'In the Beginning'.

Type: Experimental First Person/POV Fic.

Theme: Love, family, memories.

Series (Based on): Transformers. (G1)

Fandom Title (Based on): The Starscream Family Chronicles. (SFC.)

Rating: PG-13(?) [Rating suggestions welcome.]

Writers notes: (This is written from the point of view (POV) of the character Rachel. This is not me talking here, in case you aren't familiar with POV fics.) I wrote this a while ago, as people were hounding (No pun intended. ;) ) me to explain the story behind my TF Fandom. This was actually written to keep them satisfied until I could get it all written out properly in a proper fic. Yes... I shall write this out as a non-first person/POV fic, but it may take some time to get to it. Patience is a virtue. ;) This can also be found here along with the main 'SFC home-hub' and SFC FAQ's: http://thestarscreamfamilychronicles.blogspot.com/ - (See right hand navigation.)

'Transformers' and all names etc are © Hasbro. 'The Starscream Family Chronicles', 'Rachel', 'Julie', 'Cobalt', 'Comet', 'Sirius' and 'Astrum Star IV' are © to Axel Alloy (Me) the creator.