My Life Now.... Please...

Well as I sit here and write this I take a sip of a hard drink. Because As I've been gone I turned 21, and it feels good actually legally drinking. Hahaha But seriously. So much shit has happened in my life since April its been crazy.

I don't know where to start honestly. Last I left off was ACEN. Well that went well Canti 2 was a huge hit and i didn't get anything done all weekend because I couldn't walk because people wouldn't stop taking pictures. I roomed with Ryu and we had a hoot. Crazy shenanigans went down, and this sums it up . Alright I lie, this is only the tip of what happened. but it was great.

The summer went by swimmingly. I went to Colossalcon as Classy Fett and Group and CAnti. It was most interesting. It was the first con I did a don't know who's going to be in my room group room. But thats pretty much us... (if it shows) But it was Ryu's Birthday so that was a hoot and made the weekend interesting. We got a lot of pictures as always and the non convention interactions made the weekend worth it.

I had my birthday. Tried the whole bar scene, not that great. People suck, and I hate douchebags. Then Had a party on july 1st. Turns out right as my party was starting there was pretty much a tornado in my backyard. Soooo I spent it in a window well bailing water. Buuut then I celebrated my birthday properly... Don't remember much.... But It was fun.

Then came July. Then Came Nothing. I did nothing in july but work 2 jobs and try to give my Girlfriend attention. Sooo that happened.

Up next August!!!! The first week of August I made my return to Anime Iowa. I went with my girlfriend and Ryu and our dumb german acquaintance. Me and my lady got a lot of attention. I also did my first masquerade. It was interesting. There was like 4 hours of waiting but I got some awesome Sushi and legitimate wasabi. It was great. And the best part was my own undoing. So i didnt bring any music so I said play whatever because i did it on a whim. So when I finally went up and was beyond nervous. I'm an extreme introvert. So any attention make me go crazy. But I have such pride in my cosplay I had to. So I went up when it was my turn and I thought it was my music so I walked out. And the crowd went nuts! It was crazy... but wait! It was not my music. So they changed it I I tried again.... Still not right. I was so upset at this point I was thinking, Damn I'm Im done. But the song the finally got right was a song by O-Zone, The Numa Numa guys, So I was like, "i know this, I've already failed twice, so I'm going to ham it up!" And knowing the song i played my guitar in tune of the song and the crowd went nuts, I thought Sweeeeet. I went back to the green room and Sat there... The girl in front of me they got the music wrong so we were so sad for her. But the they came an hour later with the results and brought us all out to the main stage to dance. So long story short I actually won best performance. My Hamming paid off. It was great.

So now I strive for greatness in this World. I found I'm actually decent at this cosplay stuff. So I started doing props.

So I'm making different props now. Anyone can ask me to make anything
