Artist's B L O C K

Alright! So almost everyone does some form of art ~ music, drawing, dancing, designing, photography, editing, crafts, cooking etc!
Now then I, myself like to draw, bake, edit, and just got into photography and...*brain fart*....I knew I was gonna forget when I actually go and post this (- 3 -)....
So anyways, recently I have come across..the dreaded disease.....known as ARTIST'S BLOCK...!!
((Ha!! I remember now! It was crafts! I've just got into photography and crafts!! Yeah! I take pictures and make stuff now!! --SIDENOTE: I don't have a shwanky cool camera yet, but I plan on getting one!))
==> Moving back on to the actual reason of this post......
I want to get back into drawing! I realized that I haven't drawn anything in almost a year! Yep, drawing in class when I should've been paying attention.
So I have been trying to draw but I just can't seem to because of this block...
If you don't know what "Artist's Block" is, I'm gonna give you what Google says and then my own version of what it is
GOOGLE: (Urban Dictionary. com) "Also known as an 'art block', a usually random occurence in which one loses inspiration and motivation to draw. See Writer's Block"

ME: (my random mind. llama) "When I sit down at my desk, or wherever and try to draw, my thoughts turn to poo poo, and my paper is either BLANK, full of scribbles, or attached to my forehead cuz I slammed my face on the desk trying to get some thoughts from my mind to appear on the paper! See, imagination fail."

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Now then I think you all have a clear understanding of the problem now...
So basically, I want to know how do you guys cope with this situation, or more so....what do all you artists out there do to help inspire your art work? Maybe you guys can give me some tips and help me get my inspiration back!

So thanks in advance for any advice that any of you may give >:3

ALSO! for all you photographers out there ~ what would be a nice beginner camera for me? If you know anything about that please let me know too ~ THANKS AGAIN!

~ CrimzonN3k0 z ~
