Hai Gaiz!

Seeing as I can't seem to stay away from this site, I guess I will just be doing posts and such from my phone! Which....will take longer than on my laptop so...yeah...STRUGGLE ON!
I dunno if I will be updating my Blogspot on my phone....the site is all wacky....hmm...but maybe there is a free app for that site....cuz then...
ANYWAYS! I don't really have much to say...I have been kind or lurking on this site for a while though! Yeah, I'm part ninja...and spy....SPY-NINJA!
Yeah, that's right! I read some of you guy's posts!! Cant leave a comment though ((cuz my phone won't let me)) or else my cover will be blown!
I check out fanart, wallpapers, ecards, etc! I toss a little heart-shaped favorite marker kunai!
So I pretty much see what's been going on for the most part.

This will just be post 1 of random posts throughout the day that you will see from me <3

~ CrinzonN3k0 z ~
