How to Play: Each post will contain two copies of an image, one that is the original and one that has been changed, the first people to point out the differences win up to 3 icon requests~

-One comment containing guesses per person
-Each comment can contain the maximum amount of guesses
-No stealing other guesses
-If you guess 1 correct you get 1 request, 2 for 2 ect.
-Winners will be posted at the bottom of each post with the # of icons they’ve won
-If you win, you're responsible for contacting me with your requests
-Prizes will be posted in my world Photostatic Icons
-Requests will be completed on weekends unless stated otherwise
-& Have fun! :D
[Round Summaries]

Rounds 26-30 Summary & Leaderboard

Requests for rounds 26-30 are now officially closed.

Another successful set of rounds down! I'm incredibly behind on requests, I'll be working on those right after I make this post~ There were a surprising amount of people who missed out on their icon requests this time round. Oh well, less work for me right? ;D The all time leaderboard stayed the same, our top 3 are the same as last time. Here's to the next set of rounds!

All Time Leaderboard:
1. Felcie: 50
2. Hanako Sho: 40
3. Ritona Raito: 24

Rounds 26-30 Leaderboard:
1. ItachiSasuke: 14
2. Amestar: 12
3. Felcie: 8

Bonus Round 5

Please read the rules~ REMEMBER: Only 1 guess per person in bonus rounds! Your 1 guess is worth 2 icons. Requests close tomorrow and will be completed some time on Sunday. Bonus rounds are supposed to be hard, we'll see how well I did in choosing the differences, best of luck! ;D

Previous round requests:
Unclaimed: SakuraDust (1), Asuha612 (2), xCrisisCorexZackx (1), Hulaberry32 (1), Romanos Vixen (1), Felcie (1) & DistantStar (1)

Completed! All differences have been spotted!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

ev1lmunchk1n: Missing window light - 2 Icons
Amestar: Missing person - 2 Icons
ItachiSasuke: Missing paper text - 2 Icons
fma17: Missing wire - 2 Icons

Round 30

Please read the rules~ I've had an amazing day today and I'm in an extremely good mood so have the round from yesterday that otherwise would've been posted on Friday! :D I'm just going to make Friday's round a bonus round, so requests for round 26-30 + Friday's round will close this Saturday and will be completed on Sunday~ Have fun!

Previous Round Requests [Not including this round]:
In Progress: ItachiSasuke (4), Felcie (2), Amestar (4), TwinkLes (3),
Unclaimed: chibi-anna-chan (1), SakuraDust (1), TwinkLes (3), Asuha612 (2), xCrisisCorexZackx (1), Hulaberry32 (1), Romanos Vixen (1) & Felcie (1)

Completed! All differences have been spotted!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

chibi-anna-chan: Missing hole in barrel - 1 Icon
ItachiSasuke: Wine bottle color, Hat band color, Cupboard knob - 3 Icons
Felcie: Missing puddle - 1 Icon
DistantStar: Missing apron riboon - 1 Icon
Ritona Raito: Missing counter crack, Missing broom - 2 Icons
Amestar: Missing label, Blank picture - 2 Icons

Round 29

Please read the rules~ Welcome to the slightly delayed round 29! I have 2 exams early next week so Tuesday's round is canceled, sorry about that, but I'll be studying my butt off this weekend/next week. I'm confident about this round, I don't think you'll find them all~ >:D

Previous Round Requests: [Not including this round]
In Progress: ItachiSasuke (1), Felcie (2) & Amestar (1)
Unclaimed: chibi-anna-chan (1), SakuraDust (1), TwinkLes (3), Asuha612 (1) & xCrisisCorexZackx (1).

[Note] Well you guys proved me wrong and found them all~ XD I think I'll start updating these twice, once when the round starts and once when it closes. Would that annoy anyone? I hate backroom spam so that's why I never update it more than once. If no one objects, that's what I'll start doing~

Completed! All differences have been spotted!

As people guess right, I'll update the image with red circles highlighting correct guesses~

ItachiSasuke: Blue macaroon is yellow, Paint missing from palette, Missing strawberry - 3 Icons
Hulaberry32: Blue paint bucket - 1 Icon
Romanos Vixen: Missing bow - 1 Icon
Amestar: Missing flower, Missing charm, Missing plate design - 3 Icons
Felcie: Climbing vine/liana on the scale/ladder~<3 XD - 1 Icon
Asuha612: Missing tile design - 1 Icon

No Post Today

I'm sure you've all been wondering where the post is today. I thought this morning that I might have more time in the afternoon [now] for it, but I don't. Sorry about that, but you'll have to wait until Friday for the next round. I've got way too much on my plate to be worrying about the internet right now. Thus is the life of a college student D:

Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding~