All The Reasons

Oh my gawsh.
I told Ry, all the reasons I love him.
THe list in IM Blues <l3
He hasn't replied. But he never does. He only does when my status on IM is offline.
I love him.
I'll go to a store, only because he might be there.
Since the day I first sat behind him in sixth grade, I have always felt that feeling.
This year we became almost best friends.
Then K forced me.
I wish I hadn't.
We would sit together in academic team, and he would make me beg for his pink starbursts, and I would. He would just chuckle and say "You know I would've given it to you even if you didn't beg." Then he would smirk. And we would get on our email, when our coach wasnt looking, and we were supposed to be on some learing site.
Then we would leave, and I would blow him kisses playfully, and he would just blush. We always sat by each other every time we got the chance, and since in our whole school class, which is usually split in two teams, there is only one person in between us. But I have sat by him each year of middle school. Ahh. I love him.

I'll talk about IM later, I have to leave and go to the mall. With my grandma...
OMG!!! WHAT IF I SEE MY RYRY <3???!?!?!?

Gahh... I am the Cheese by Robert Cormier

Wow... What a twisted book... I am the Cheeseby Robert Cormier
Well, anybody looking for a good read, I recomend this. Its short, I finished it in about two days, but I read for only like two or three hours, and its psychologically twisted. But you should read it! :D

I love my new actually dark red brown hair. Its adorable- in a way. I woud post pics but my camera is low on battery, and right now I am at the highschool, the one my mom is the principal of. I am having alot of fun, and there is a scanner here, and CorelDraw and CorelPaint and CorelCapture and its super fun to use. But its not easy to use. Not as easy as using a pen tablet *cough* Jaxxi *cough*
This morning I woke up, looked in the mirror, and was in shock. I couldn't believe I actually dyed my hair. Everybody at work thought I was like, someone else. But they knew it was me, since some of them know me pretty well and I was with my mom.

For Harvest-chan: I have your two requests drawn, but not colored.
I was looking in one of the art rooms at the highschool for these really cool Watermark color pencils, but lets just say the room of this certain teacher is like A FRIGGIN PIGSTYE I am suprised the teacher can even walk through his or her room without something falling off his or her desk and hitting him or her. Thats how high his or her crap pile is.

Gahh. My hair smells like dye...

Gahh... I am the Cheese by Robert Cormier

Wow... What a twisted book... I am the Cheeseby Robert Cormier
Well, anybody looking for a good read, I recomend this. Its short, I finished it in about two days, but I read for only like two or three hours, and its psychologically twisted. But you should read it! :D

I love my new actually dark red brown hair. Its adorable- in a way. I woud post pics but my camera is low on battery, and right now I am at the highschool, the one my mom is the principal of. I am having alot of fun, and there is a scanner here, and CorelDraw and CorelPaint and CorelCapture and its super fun to use. But its not easy to use. Not as easy as using a pen tablet *cough* Jaxxi *cough*
This morning I woke up, looked in the mirror, and was in shock. I couldn't believe I actually dyed my hair. Everybody at work thought I was like, someone else. But they knew it was me, since some of them know me pretty well and I was with my mom.

For Harvest-chan: I have your two requests drawn, but not colored.
I was looking in one of the art rooms at the highschool for these really cool Watermark color pencils, but lets just say the room of this certain teacher is like A FRIGGIN PIGSTYE I am suprised the teacher can even walk through his or her room without something falling off his or her desk and hitting him or her. Thats how high his or her crap pile is.

Gahh. My hair smells like dye...


Oh my gawsh.. I dyed my hair, from blonde-brown or dirty blonde to medium reddish brown.... Wow... *in shock* I am excited to see how it turns out, it hasn't dried yet. :D

Horseback Riding- Lessons

Okay, so after I got the jeans (and a Rocky Horror Picture Show Shirt) I went to Riding Lessons. We went to the stable barn place, and then Ms.B put the horse I was riding- Tubby, back in his stall because she had ridden him before I came. I put his bridle on, and the lead rope, then led him out and double crossed him so he couldn't get out, then we brushed him, brushed out his mane and tail, we picked his hoves, sprayed him for flies, we put his saddle pad on, then I used Peggy's saddle (teach-Ms.B) and I led him to the indoor arena, she taught me about the reigns, all that stuff, the I got on him, she told me about posture and my heels being down, all that stuff, I walked him around, did a figure eight, then I led him to the outdoor arena. I walked him over the bridge, then walked him in circles around the arena. After that she let me guide him through some cones, then I circled him around the arena, and then SHE LET ME TROT!!! I trotted for awhile, had the time of my life learning all about him, then it was time to leave, blahblahblah, then we left. I had the most fun I have ever had in years!I was just babbling to my mom about it, and she understood because she had shown horses her whole life, until she moved to the more urban part of town.

Oh yeah, has any on had the following:
Pocky-chocolate (duh)
Pocky-Strawberry (duh)
Pocky- The white kind?I think its milk
Botan Rice Candy

Well that is like the list of the best foreign (to me an american)eeeeevvveerr!