My Inspiration

You inspire me everyday
To be the best I can be
To become a better person
You encourage me to put my heart into things
When I want to be heard
You inspire me to not give up
Not to quit with what I believe in
You inspire me to scream when no one will listen
You inspire me to hear people's agony when they need help
And I try to give them the things they need
You inspire me with just your smile
And I know I can do everything I put my mind to
I may not be the sharpest or prettiest crayon in the box
But I can be up there with it
I won't let anyone get me down
I've worked too hard to just let their words hurt me
I'm not trying to win,but to be number one for you
That would make me smile all the time
Knowing that from your inspiration
I have in turn inspired you
That's a wonderful feeling to be inspired and be inspiration for others
Knowing we've made a difference in people's lives
Knowing what we do matters
It's a double edged good deed
My inspiration is from you
Just as you draw inspiration from me
