More Intro

Just wanna justify some of the things I do (or don't do)

1. If I don't reply to all comments, it's because I can't think of anything to say other than 'thank you'... yes, I apologize that I'm not that creative of a person. Hope that's reasonable XP I'm sure you don't want to read such a redundant reply either XD
But please know that I do appreciate your comments greatly!!

2. If I hug/ fave, it means there is something I love about it, sometimes I won't have time to state what it is that I like about it, but please accept my compliment that's implied XD

3. Since a lot of stuff I'm uploading will be old, I think there's no point in putting a comment on those. It doesn't mean I'm a snobby person who doesn't want to be involved!


1. I'm really happy about art trades =D! Though I admit I have not kept all commitments, I promise (for real) that I will carry through, hence I will only do them when I think I will be able to finish them.

2. Hehe, I'd love to experience getting commissioned XD I know I'm not very good, but just putting it out there! And because of that, it will be cheap XD I guess I'll put up the information after someone has actually expressed interested XD Also, you can get a sense of what I draw from my gallery...
