Another Double Feature

Wow, not having school to worry about for four months really gives one alot of spare time, and therefore drawing time :P This weeks feature concentrates on two side-ish characters, Rika and Ryo. Both part of Ken's group, they'll be popping up alot in the story.

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Eye/Hair Colour: Brown/Blonde
Favorite Colour: Red
Birthdate: April 5
Blood Type: O+
Likes: Women, Beaches, Gyms, Drafting/Architecture
Dislikes: Meatheads (Jocks), Small Spaces, Cheap Lacrosse sticks

Ryo is the lech of the group, and there hasn't been a girl within age he hasn't hit on at the high school. He often gets the living hell beat outta him because of this quirk, yet keeps doing it anyway. Ryo hits the gym everyday, and is pretty much one of the most jacked 17 year-olds you ever saw. Part of the school Lacrosse team, and captain at that. He'll usually join Ken in their mutual misery of unluckiness around women, but unlike Ken its his own fault. He aims to go architecture for post secondary.


Age: 17
Gender: Female
Eye/Hair Colour: Blue/Blonde
Favorite Colour: Purple
Birthdate: November 11th
Blood Type: A-
Likes: Fashion, clothes, shoes, cloth/material, her tablet PC
Dislikes: Meatheads (Jocks), Ryo hitting on other girls
FEATURE: Sports the largest bust size of the group

Daughter of the CEO of some company (will have something to do with the story), Rika is the richest girl of the group, and incedentally the entire town. Her hobby is fashion design, and is often seen doodling away on her tablet PC whenever she gets a new idea (during classes included). She often falls into an inexplicable rage when Ryo hits on other girls around her, and is the source of said abuse of Ryo above. Rika is also the mischievious member of teh group, and often gets Ken into unfavourable situations with some of the girls at school. Her post-secondary aim is to get into the top fashion school in the country.
