Olympic Gold Madness and Lack of Colour

Well, I know I said I'd have my lineart coloured this week, but three midterms in a week, and studying for another on Monday kinda chews up my time, so you'll have to the deal with the hand drawn work I made for this week's submission. That and the Men's Hockey Gold metal game kinda happened today, and we hosted it here, so that chewed up my afternoon. Just for the record, Crosby scored the game winner in over-time; man that was close, lol.

Oh, and I decided to start a new series this week, called Kobato. Its another anime CLAMP decided to do designs for, and I'm surprised to find I haven't found a Cardcaptors clone yet, lol. The amin character, Kobato, kinda resembles Sakura, but not that much. Anyway, I've only seen 2 episodes, and the plot is very vague at this point; Kobato somehow is "sent" to Earth, along with a talking stuffed animal named Iorogi who orders her around. Kobato's goal is to "go somewhere", and to do that she has to fill this bottle she earned with "scarred hearts"; basically, she helps someone who has an unspoken issue, and this "candy" that's suppost to represent a heart pops up in said bottle. Weird, I know, but it'll probably develop to something more understandable (I hope). What really got me hooked on this was actually Iorogi, a stuffed animal in the form of a blue beagle, who pretty much acts like its possessed by a demon, AND can breathe fire.

Anyway, I'll be back next week, hopefully with a that coloured lineart, lol.
