Your first encounter with musical instruments

“I guess mine was also because of my older brother. My brother also likes heavy metal… so I remember listening to bands like X, Iron Maiden or Halloween. At that time, the CD jackets were primarily illustrations. A part of me liked that dangerous image. I would take those CDs out of my brother’s room without telling him just to listen to them. Somehow my brother had the drumsticks of Higuchi-san (Loudness) and YOSHIKI-san (X JAPAN). I didn’t know those things were on sale, so I thought he got them from a Live, and I always borrowed them without permission (laugh), and would get so caught up with playing them while I watched videos in my room. At that time there was a cultural festival at my school, and my friends decided, “Let’s do a (SEX) PISTOLS cover”, so I lost at janken (rock, paper, scissors) and had to do drums (laugh). My brother had a guitar too, but I thought it was too difficult and ther was no way I could play it.” — Ruki (Q&A, FM 2006. Your first encounter with musical instruments)

