Love and The After Effects

I sometimes lie on the grass, gaze upon the stars, and begin to wonder, where she is. Is she happy in her place? Has she found something or someone new to love? I catch myself thinking hours on end, only about her. What we once had, we can never have again. What we once loved, will never love us in return. No matter how much cosmic wisdom one may have, no matter how much strength, courage, and valor one may gain, once love is lost it is lost forever. Do we find ourselves searching for that person down the hallway? Always expecting to find them there, sitting, and waiting for our return home. Or do we just let the thoughts of them slip away into the darkness of night? Night is what comes after the sun falls, and the moon rises, but is it worth it? Is it worth letting things change, and seeing things in a different light, only to lose what you once had? Changes are always happening, constantly, all around us without our realization. But what of those changes that bring us to our knees? What of the changes that make the same warrior that can fell 20 soldiers in one blow, drop to the ground, gaze up at the moon and stars, and shed tears of pain and suffering for that one change that he could not take. I refuse to allow it to change, but who am I to try and stop events which have already come to pass? I'm just a simple man who wanders aimlessly throughout the fields of chaos, order, gods, and devil's, only to sit back, and laugh at things that make no sense to me. Why do things like this happen to people like us? Maybe we are doomed to fate from before we are even born. Is it penance for a mistake from a past life? Some type of punishment for times done, long gone? Why must we sit here and watch as things just slip by our fingers, no matter how much we may fight for them? But I am no choice, for am I just another nomad like many others that surround me, trying to find our place to make our own. Are we to swim against the currents of time itself, even if we find ourselves only being washed away further and further? How do I find myself in this fog? Will I ever be free to once again say, that that person is mine? Will I ever be able to say that no matter how bad things may get, I always have that person to turn to? So I may say that life without her is nothing, but how can I know that is true? We feel pain that we may know we are alive, but how many times must one find pain before we can say we are aware of life? I am not sure, but I for one lost forever...or maybe not. One cannot say, where one is going. Only time, and those around us can answer that question...
