Silver One: Chapters 6-10

Chapter Six:

Jason watched, horrified as the woman questioning Celestia began to torture her. He could tell that the alien with silver blonde hair was watching him, waiting to see his reaction. He knew it would be a mistake to resist but when Celestia cried out in pain the second time he couldn’t help it. Jason tried to run and slam past him to get to the door, but it seemed they had anticipated his reaction for he was grabbed from behind and held fast before he had even taken two steps towards the door.

The alien with cold eyes came towards him, Jason tried to lash out with his feet but he easily avoided Jason’s attempts to kick him. With one swift move he punched Jason hard in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him. The other aliens let go and Jason fell to his knees gasping for breath. Again he heard Celestia’s cry out in pain. He would have fallen over but the alien grabbed his hair with his left hand, forcing Jason to look right at him. The alien got down on one knee, pulled out his gun with his right hand and placed the nozzle of the gun underneath Jason’s chin. He leaned closer until their faces were only inches apart.

Don’t be in such a hurry for your turn,” he said.

Jason stared back, furious at his inability to do anything. He cringed when he heard Celestia’s cries of pain once again.

Please,” Jason said, “Stop hurting her.” The alien laughed and let go of him. The other’s grabbed Jason and dragged him upright. The alien put his gun away and went into the room where Celestia was. When he came back he ordered one of the other aliens to go and retrieve a serum.

Once again Celestia cried out in pain. Jason struggled to get free. The alien with cold eyes ignored his struggles. Within a short time the other alien returned and Jason was horrified to see he was carrying a syringe! They intended to drug Celestia! Frantically he struggled to break free. In a desperate twist he pulled free and attempted to ram the alien carrying the syringe.

Once again the cruel alien punched Jason hard in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him causing him to fall to the floor gasping for breath. As the alien with the syringe entered the room where Celestia was; Jason could clearly see her horrified expression as the man with the syringe approached her. Then his view of the screen was blocked as the alien who had punched him knelt in front of him. Jason cringed, waiting for what was going to happen next. But the alien simply grabbed his chin and forced him to look at him.

I told you,” he said, “Don’t be in such a hurry for your turn.” He let go of Jason and got back up to watch the interrogation of Celestia. The other aliens came over to Jason, but instead of picking him up one leaned over and fastened restraints on his ankles and then they simply left him lying on the floor. Jason looked back at the screen and watched as Celestia expression changed from the effects of the drug.

Celestia found herself answering the Commander’s questions before she even thought of the answer. She couldn’t stop herself from talking. The thought occurred to her that she was glad she had decided to tell the truth. If she had lied there was no telling what the woman would have done to her. The woman’s expression changed to one of disbelief. It was if she couldn’t believe that Celestia had created a game that matched their objectives by accident. Celestia began to feel even stranger and suddenly the woman stopped and turned to her companion.

Give her the antidote, it looks like her body can’t take it anymore.” He got up, came over and gave Celestia another shot. The feeling of detachment slowly began to fade away. Celestia watched the woman wondering what was going to happen now. She still was drugged enough that she felt no fear yet she was still worried about what was going to happen next! And if this was real, what had happened to Jason? Celestia was still too drugged to talk, as it seemed that this particular drug made you unable to say anything unless you were told to speak.

It looks like you were telling the truth after all. For that I will allow you to live.” The Commander said before she turned to another alien and told them to put Celestia in a cell. “She needs time to recover from the drug before we question her any further.

Yes commander,” one of the aliens responded. They removed the restraints but Celestia was unable to move or stand so they simply carried her. She was taken to a cell and the aliens actually placed her on the bed and covered her with a blanket before leaving. Celestia was too exhausted and drugged to move. She was desperately worried about what had happened to Jason, but she couldn’t shake the effects of the drug and was soon fast asleep.