Well, I made this world for any who might (miraculously) take interest in me from fanart or wallpapers or whatever.

Name: Silent Love

Nickname: Silove, Gure-chan, Nekura, Nikutsu...yeah.

Fears: Rejection, pain, loss, to be alone, to loose my friends, to have nothing left.

Colors: Purple, silver, black.

Known to say stupid things often, lol.

I love anime, my friends, my loved ones, and my passions. I'm nicer to the people I hate/don't know than the people I love, so don't take it hard if I give you a hard time, it means you're awesome. ^_~

My biggest struggle in life right now is holding on to my friends. Most people after high school kind of drift apart, and I've dedicated my entire being to reject that and hold on to my friends for an eternitiy. I also am having issues with the lack of a love life and just wondering about what I'll do with my life for the REST of my life.

If you like me (ah, you do?!) or want to know more, whatever, you'll see me more on MyOtaku. I plan to keep updated on my blog there. Or if your here for just the stuff I post like wallpapers and crap, that's ok, I'm happy someone out there likes it!!

Ja ne!

Anime Banzai!

I'm in such a good mood right now. I'm really really excited!!! Anime Banzai, the local anime convention, is just in a week!! I've saved up a lot of spending money and all my friends will be there, and its the perfect occasion to spend all my time with them.

But even though I'm insanely happy about the convention, it's hard to keep my spirits really high. Just a few days after the convention, on the 28th, one of my best friends is going away to join the air force. Even though I know that we'll still see each other and than everything will be okay, it's just so sad to think that we'll be seperated for that long. I just hope this is really what she wants.

<img src="http://www.schala-kitty.net/orglix/chara/marluxia.png">
I'm cosplaying as Marluxia this year. It should be fun!!

Half Form

Yeah!! Finally, a finished artwork!! Take a look and please comment!!

External Image
