This is a world that I created so I can share my fan fiction story. Obviously, I'm not looking for any profit :)
But please leave comments, I really want to know what other people think!

Chapter IV: Hokage's Mansion

Download the original attachment Chapter IV Hokage’s Mansion A ray of light shone brightly the next day, illuminating the room. Rubbing his eyes, Ichigo woke up, and got out of bed. His muscles felt full of energy ...

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Chapter III The Village Hidden In The Leaves

Chapter III The Village Hidden In The Leaves Uryu opened his eyes slowly. A black robed figure stood in front of him. He was clearly wearing a Soul Reaper’s uniform, a Shihakshô. “Ichigo?” whispered Uryu, assu...

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June 24th 2009

Also, I figured I should say this because it might not be clear: I release one chapter a week, so the story isn't actually done yet. Even hand written I'm only around page 170. Typed, I have all the way to chapter 6. But I will be releasing ...

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Chapter II Setting Out

Chapter II Setting Out The day is almost over. The sun is setting, illuminating the schoolyard with a bright orange glow. Ichigo is sitting on the gates of the Karakura High School. Chad, Rukia, and Orihime are with him. &ldqu...

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Chapter I Karakura Town

Chapter I Karakura High School It was a normal day. Nothing out of the ordinary. The sun was shining with a promising glow. It was morning at the Kurosaki clinic. Ichigo Kurosaki was sleeping in bed, peacefully. A small...

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