Crayons are not for eating

You always hear it on those funny sitcoms, the infant of the family (ranging from 1-3 years) eats something they shouldn't. Wether it be glue, change, crayons, or the family pet (joking about the whole pet thing) Then you see the whole family freak out in an over dramitic fashion.
I've never really had that happen to me befor, until last night when I was babysitting my little neice.
Lucy is 2 and a half years old, blonde curley hair, and she loves to cause chaos. After she finished the dinner I cooked for her and dumped half of it on her head, I took her in the living room so she scribble on paper and watch a movie to help her unwind and fall asleep for the night.
I set out the crayons and paper and she instantly started in on the drawing. I turned around to pick up something and as soon as I turn back around there is green drool all over her face and she is chewing on a crayon while grinding another one into the carpet. Thank god they were non toxic. So I took her into the bathroom and rinsed out her mouth and wiped it off. I also gave her a lot of water to help wash it out of her system. Lesson to be learned? never turn your back on a child for a second, you never know what they'll do next. So maybe I'll move the crayon box up one shelf higher
