If you knew GoneWithTheSin back in 2007 then you know me :D
This is just a little blog to post updates and random stories
I also occasionally post WIPS of my artwork.
I do not do trades, unless I admire your art
I NEVER do requests
I have DeviantArt account as well, my username is xxWillowxx

Still Alive

Wow, has it really been 3 years since I posted anything?
Just wanted to let you know, I am still very active on DeviantArt if any of you wanted to check out my gallery there. Lots and lots of new stuff.

I may or may not start up this gallery again, so much old stuff that needs to be deleted... ugh xD

Requests and trades open!!

yeah, the title pretty much says it all.
Let me know what you want, if it's an OC, I will only draw it if you have a reference sheet.
Send me a private message on here, or e-mail me at [email protected]

I'm back

*Insert creepy music here* yeah I decided to try to stick with this account a bit longer. I have a bunch of stuff I still need to post, I hate the three submission per day limit. If it were a person I'd become a hit man just so I could kill him ._. Okay a bit of an exaggeration.
Aaaanyways, expect more updates later on. I'll try to be more active here.

*insert title here*

Okay, since I hate creating titles, if it doesn't come to me right away I'm just putting something random up xD
Anyways, I am finding out, I have a new challenge addiction. Normally I hate entering contests but this is actually kind of fun. The system makes it harder to drop the contest. I've been in situations where after I'd do some elaborate piece for a big contest the person holding the contest would be all
"heh, I'm too busy I don't feel like it anymore."
Which of course is maddening.
Speaking of something maddening, my mom seems to think we can litter box rain our chihuahua. First off, chihuahuas have a brain capacity of -50, plus the box is almost bigger than she is, so she will be waaayyyy too lethargic to actually jump in. So far she has peed EVERYWHERE except for the box. Since I thought it was a bad idea in the first place, I am not getting involved xD
So has anyone ever litterbox trained a dog before? I would love some tips

Time for fans already?

Okay this is insane, where I live, it does not get warm until may or so. It is already 65 degrees F where I am at ._. We are going to have some nasty forest fires this summer.
And of course it is warm the one week when my dad is away and I can't go ride my horse D: Poor horse
I am so happy this week is over, we had some huge testing over the week. There is a black light party at the lodge so I'll be going to that tonight with some friends to celebrate. I wonder where a good place to get glowsticks would be :3
My mom doesn't want me to go really, mainly because my car is in the repair shop right now seeing that there is a leak somewhere so now she has to pick me up >:) This is just payback for making me swallow a huge vitamin C pill telling me it wasn't chew-able when it was. I'm still bitter about that.