*twitch* photosynthesis.....


Much to do. Gotta pack for another church trip. This time to a big city! The biggest city I've ever been to is Atlanta so this is a real change of pace.

(Or maybe it was Seattle.....?)

Anyways... new Avatar episode blew my mind. Especially Azula going nutso. Crazy cuckoo woman. By the end of the series, Aang has to be at least 13. And Zuko 17. And Katara 15. And Sokka 17. And Toph 13.

Also, new Aartemis book blew my mind. :3 I'm rereading it.

The other day at the book store, I was chased by a greasy boy with yaoi. =_= He also insulted my mother in Spanish and I think he was looking at mah boobies. Wwhy do I attract the greasy ones? WHY!?

I'll tell you why. Because they don't usually get in such close vicintiy to pretty girls in the manga section that know what they are talking about. And who don't automatically pick up Death Note or Naruto.

I got two new mangas. I'm starting the series V.B Rose and B.O.D.Y. I got them for the trip, but it's hard to resist reading them.

My boyfriend wants to buy me this Transformers shirt we found in the girl's section at Penny's. That never happens. Because apparently girls do not like giant death-bringing robots that can turn into trucks and motorcycles. I do. And I found a transformers shirt, meant to be worn by girls in girl's sizes. He wants to buy it for me so bad, but he bought me the manga! I think he just wants to see me in Transformers because he is a fan boy.

I think that's about it. Other than you know... rambling about my mom telling flat-out, straight-up lies about me. Not that anyone believes her.

*twitch* photosynthesis.....


Much to do. Gotta pack for another church trip. This time to a big city! The biggest city I've ever been to is Atlanta so this is a real change of pace.

(Or maybe it was Seattle.....?)

Anyways... new Avatar episode blew my mind. Especially Azula going nutso. Crazy cuckoo woman. By the end of the series, Aang has to be at least 13. And Zuko 17. And Katara 15. And Sokka 17. And Toph 13.

Also, new Aartemis book blew my mind. :3 I'm rereading it.

The other day at the book store, I was chased by a greasy boy with yaoi. =_= He also insulted my mother in Spanish and I think he was looking at mah boobies. Wwhy do I attract the greasy ones? WHY!?

I'll tell you why. Because they don't usually get in such close vicintiy to pretty girls in the manga section that know what they are talking about. And who don't automatically pick up Death Note or Naruto.

I got two new mangas. I'm starting the series V.B Rose and B.O.D.Y. I got them for the trip, but it's hard to resist reading them.

My boyfriend wants to buy me this Transformers shirt we found in the girl's section at Penny's. That never happens. Because apparently girls do not like giant death-bringing robots that can turn into trucks and motorcycles. I do. And I found a transformers shirt, meant to be worn by girls in girl's sizes. He wants to buy it for me so bad, but he bought me the manga! I think he just wants to see me in Transformers because he is a fan boy.

I think that's about it. Other than you know... rambling about my mom telling flat-out, straight-up lies about me. Not that anyone believes her.

I Want Answers.

Ugh. What's all this about an Orphan Bill?
It seems to me like people are making a huge fuss over this, especially the anime artists. Do you really think we have anything to worry about? Do you REALLY think that some big corporation or museum is going to want to use our anime style art for logos? Honestly?

But still, it worries me.
From the ASMP article about this:
"What are 'Orphan Works'?
As described in a 2005 report that the Copyright Office prepared for Congress, an "orphan work" is a work (such as an image) that is protected by copyright but whose copyright owner cannot be identified and located."

What excactly do they mean by "indentified and located"? Do I really have to compromise my safety on the internet by posting my whole name and street adress? Or would a valid email adress do just fine?

Orphaned. What exactly does that mean, anyway? Work that everybody has ignored? The above definition just isn't enough, yeah?

Do I really think this bill will pass? No. Not really. Not with so many OTHER issues. High gas prices, war, and the like. In my opinion, this is just going to be a thwarted ploy for the government to get money from a group of people they don't think really matter.

Yes. You heard what I said. I don't think the government thinks artists really matter. Why else do you think they would be taking art and music programs out of school? I'll tell you why. It's because art and music aren't 'real careers'. The government doesn't want people to draw for a living. They want to fill there heads up with science and math and have our children be rocket scientists and...and....I dunno. Something. Brain surgeons. Also, why else would they be trying to pass some stupid bill like this.

Honestly, I want ANSWERS, before this gets too out of hand.
) I want the truth. Is this bill really cancelled or what?
2) Techinically, they can't take "orphaned" fan art, right? Because fan art TECHINICALLY is copy righted, right?
3) will water marks really prevent my work from being stolen?
4) Who would really want my sucky anime art, anyway? I doubt any big corportations are going to want to use my chibis and neko girls for logos.
5) Is it really safe to be posting art anywhere like theOtaku or DeviantArt is this bill is still in progress?
6) Who's idea was this fricckin' bill anyway? Whoever it was needs to be shot, in the first place, and have his bill making rights revoked in the second place. I mean, honestly... who comes up with this? Was he bored and decided to make such a stupid bill.
7) The government can be stupid, but are they really THAT stupid to pass this bill? I mean, honestly, with so many other issues at hand.
8) Why aren't there more artists representing the not-passing of this bill?
9) What EXACTLY does Orphan Works mean?
10) Do I, as an amatuer anime artist, need to be worried?
11) should I take my work off deviant art?
Anybody who can answer these questions, please do.
I'll be off watermarking my work. -_- Just to be on the safe side.

Note: the essay is strictly MY opinion and not anyone elses. No flames, no nothing. I just want simple, staight answers.

The biggest question?
Should I be worried?

Even in my dreams...

Okay, so I had this dream last night.
I am basically watching and Inu Yasha movie in my head.
Not one already made, but with it's own story line and everything and it was in FULL COLOR ANIME. IT WAS SO AMAZING. Anyways, the plot was something about Inu Yasha on a...quest isn't the right word, but quest I guess.... he was on a quest to find a field of blue and pink flowers for this adorable Chii-look a like lamb demon named Tobi. Yes, a lamb demon girl named Tobi. And she has lavender hair.

There was this amazing scene where Miroku and Kagome were holding up Inu Yasha (wounded or tired I'm guessing) and Tobi tackles him because she's scared and inu yasha screams something along the lines of "I'll find that field for you!"

This is where the weirdness starts. It goes to a scene of Inu Yasha fina;;y finding the field, only just over the hill an evil army of goblin things has set it on fire. Inu Yasha goes crazy and it cuts to a scene of him telling Tobi what happened and then switches back to this epic fight scene of Inu Yasha versus goblin things. Only Inu Yasha is in human form with his hair in a pony tail and the reason he doesn't have any doggy ears is because HE'S TAKEN THEM OFF AND IS USING THEM AS WEAPONS because apparently his ears are held in by daggers.

And then it cuts to Tobi and Kagome and Miroku and Sango and Shippo, but mostly Tobi, fighting.
And then it goes to this weirdly violent but not gory scene of the goblins rusing Inu Yasha and stabbing him with swords but it doesn't even hurt Inu Yasha it just breaks their swords.

And then there is something about arrows and the goblins commiting suicide because they couldn't win against Inu Yasha and then it's over and CREDITS ROLLS WITH A BIRD FLYING OVER A FIELD OF BLUE AND PINK FLOWERS IN THE BACKROUND.

And then it switches to "real life" and me and my sister are sitting in a living room now watching a commercial for some new reality show. And then I woke up and thought "ARGH. MY fangirlisms are getting into my dreams! AWESOME."

And now I have an inu yasha fan character with a great story.

I Love Odd Thomas

Odd Thomas.
I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy even though in the one sketch I've seen of Stormy she looks like a hooker.