Mchile's Profile

Name: mchile (mikayl) yondekure kuda sai *bows*
Age: 14
Personality: aloof, quiet, independent, cheerful, hard-core otaku
Squad would like to be in: Captain Ukitake's Squad
Fav captain: Kuchiki Byakuya
Origin: Rukongai
Family/Friends in Gotei 13: None
Skill/power/special ability- waha~ (i've already thought about this a long time ago) Shikai: a pure white sword with two dangling beads at the end of its hilt. It slowly turns bloody red as it collects the enemy's blood in every cut and if full enough can turn into a massive blow of an attack that smells like roses.
Bankai: (since ima noob. lets just say i know but never completed training tehee♥) the user must cut its own blood to fight with bankai as it completely changes the user's appearance. red mini kimono, red eyes. The sword can be turn into millions of butterflies as it poisons whatever it touches. I call it Shinogetsu Mitsuchou
