Mystery Naruto Theatre 3000: Chapter 414

"What does the scout ninja say about his chakra level?"


"Shut up, Karin!"

Anyway, that's pretty much how the chapter starts. That and Suigetsu wetting himself (I made a funny!) Let's have a look at the next page...

"I'm gonna bully you, 'cause I'm a longhorn bull!"


Anyway, The Ugly One is still panicking about Hatchibi's power level and fangirling over Sasuke as Juugo finishes his emergency bullcrap surgery. Juugo turns into a kid for some reason, and tells Sasuke that he can't die because he's all he has to remember Kimimaro by.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't Sasuke pretty much the reason Orochimaru lost interest in Kimimaro and therefore let him die? KILL HIM, DUDE.

Oh, I love this. The Ox is coming in for an attack. "Whee," he says! Good to know one of us is having fun. He's blocked by Suigetsu, who has the advantage in this fight despite the fact that he was screwed five minutes ago. Go fig. So anyway, Ox boy don't care. He fires his lazer and pwns Suigetsu in one hit.

Cut to Naruto. He's apparently made a breakthrough in his Sage training. He can kind of sense natural energy. Good, now it's time for lunch. After that, he's going to try and lift one of those stone frogs.

Because nothing compliments failing at the cost of your life than some ADD kid rubbing the fact that he can do it in your face. So he succeeds in doing so, then drops the statue on its back like he's protesting something.

Cut back to Cloud Land. A couple of Cloud Jounin come upon the fight, complain about Killer Bee's tendency not to listen to their Kage and notice that he's fighting Akatsuki members.

So anyway, Suigetsu's drooling all over himself now (not that you can tell.) The Ox lets out another "Whee!" Sasuke busts out the Shenanigans. Chapter end.
