# 10 - Right here in my arms

“What the hell where you thinking?!!” Sam screamed.

He dragged Dean through the door by his elbow, slamming it violently behind him and throwing Dean onto the bed.

“I’m sorry!” He whispered.

“Sorry!! You’re sorry!!! Don’t tell me you’re sorry! Do you know how worried I was, Do –“


There was silence, it seemed to last forever. Dean eventually broke it by standing up, at his full height and meeting Sam’s gaze.

“Just leave me alone Sam.” His voice was small and hoarse.

“You reek of alcohol.” Sam put a hand to his brother’s arm,” never do that to me again.”

Dean stared deep into his brother’s blue eyes. Those sapphires that seemed to glow in the darkness. He wanted to grip hold of his brother, hold him tight and promise him, softly promise him that he will be okay, that he will get better, that he will keep this promise. But Dean knew he shouldn’t promise anything. It hurt.

Sam wanted to cry, he wanted to fall to his knees dragging his brother with him and hold him while they both cry. He felt cold and numb. But all the while he wondered; if he felt like this then how must Dean be feeling?

“Dean. I’m not going to ask you to promise anything. It wouldn’t be right.” Sam whispered,” Poison, I’m glad she found you. I’m glad she called.”

Dean didn’t reply. He wanted to say he was sorry, over and over until he could believe it himself.

“I love you Dean. Okay. Do you understand? I love you.”

Tears dripped down Sam’s cheeks before he could stop them. He wrapped his arms around his brother and Dean feel silently into his chest listening to the breathing as his younger brother cried.

“He doesn’t mean it “

Dean flinched. He didn’t mean it?

“Are you okay?” Sam asked.

“Yea...yeah. I...I love you too Sammy.”

He didn’t want to believe it. It wasn’t true. Dean just wanted to stay in his brothers arms, listen to his heartbeat. Know that he was still alive, still there. He wanted to know that he meant it.
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