My posts appear to be getting shorter in length...

Hello everyone ^^;
I'm sorry for my absence haha. It's been a really busy first week of college and I apologize for not having told you all about it sooner.

I um...kinda have a lot of things going around in my head. But I'm trying to stay calm, be patient and sort it all out. I thought I'd also let you all know that I'm having a wonderful time in college and that my first week of college life was more amazing than anything I imagined. ^^

On that note, I'm working hard to balance out my time and keep in touch with you all. I'm very sorry about everything! I've thought about possibly getting a new browser so I may comment on your submissions, but it is a bit difficult for me to have to use both.

I'll see to it that I find a solution to this problem! *nods*
Thank you guys so much who have been supporting me! I will try hard not to let you all down!
Take care of yourselves!
