The Sensei Challenge

Chapter 2

Gai: I have a master strategy that will quickly defeat my eternal rival and strip Kakashi of his dignity. The only person I need is…


Tenten: Yes, Sensei?

Gai: Now I want an honest and straight answer. No lying to get the best of me.

Will you be my girlfriend?

Tenten: …EWW! No!

Gai: But… My super good looks… and my sparkling personality… and my youthfulness!

Tenten: Umm…


Ten ten: Eek!


Gai: Owwwww…

Tenten: Sorry sensei, But it’s so WRONG!

Neji: I agree…you’ve hit a whole new level of weird, sensei.

Gai: I Must not give up! My eternal rival cannot humiliate me! I refuse to wear the speedo!

*Tenten and Neji Both faint at the mere thought of Gai in a Speedo.*

Rock Lee: Sensei! I got the books on dating you wanted! You shall not fail, for I ha- Oh no! What happened to Tenten and Neji?

