The second thought (note: this is not from the original story of Sabriela)

The second thought
(note: this is not from the original story of Sabriela)

Although the day had promised a clear night with its well developed sunshine and burning heat, the night sky was a shroud of sinister dark purple clouds. Leaving only a small space for the moon to peek a tiny part of its full round face in on the town of Emerald. The wind blowing fiercely pushed a news paper against a gutter drain. The head line reading Art Auction Tonight at Mothman Manor! Lord Edward Garth Mothman was hosting the European art auction at his humble home. His plan was to make him-self known worldwide. This auction would be a huge stepping stool towards his newest goal. To improve his publicity he invited every rich gentleman and lady he could think of, and many who would have otherwise ignored it accepted because of the auction. The maids busted about straitening things both here and there. Mothman’s butler Edgar Borin arranged the lords best of garments for the auction.
At eight of the clock the first of the guests arrived as Lady Emilie Gamble, a clingy woman with a giant pocket book. Lord Gamble was a hard working vassal of a very wealthy king who would rather be in a war than buy art. She brought her best friend Gina burry, a widowed woman with nothing to do but criticize everyone. She could ignore Emilie’s flaws as long as their friendship benefited her. Dea Ja the French song writer arrived then as well with his butler and best friend Roland Jerrion. They both thought it was funny that Dea was a vampire but inherited his fortune from sis step father. They where soon accompanied by none other than Lady Tempopo Parra the well known 
Japanese chef. She traveled with her mother, Lady Shinoko Parra. The only thing known about them is that they are both very much the opposite of Dea and Roland.
Lord Shifibaku Yamastu, son of Gerron Yamastu and heir to the throne of Reptiliand, has been traveling with his most trusted vassal Garry Fariss. They moved swiftly in a four horse carriage.