It's a New Sunny Not Creepy Day~

Hello there one and all! How are you all doin?...Don't mind me, I'm just gonna sit here 83

...NO, Of course I'm not stalling on doing my summer reading and chior music, whatEVER are you implying?!

Humdedum, so yesterday I had to wake up early to go get my parking permit for school, which the charged us 70! dollars for...that is serious highway robery. And then today I had to get up early to take my brother to school so that he could take his test to get his driveing permit...I feel like a little chaufer, although I supposed I should get used to it XD...I don't like getting up early -_-

And now, for the thingy I ganked lovingly borrowed from Ice-chan! What ya have to do is answer all the questions in your comment and then I can find out what you all think about me I probly creep everyone out ;`;)

"What If.."
I died:
I kissed you:
I lived next door to you:
You found out I was married:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I refused to leave my home:
I got into a fight while you were there:

"Would You.."
Help me hide a body:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Hold my hand:
Take a bullet for me:
Try to solve my problems:
Love me:
Date me:

"Have You Ever.."
Lied to make me feel better:
Lied for me:
Wanted to kiss me:
Wanted to kill me:
Broke my heart:
Betrayed me:
Kept something important from me:
Thought I was unbearably annoying/felt like you couldn't stand me:

Who are you:
Are we friends:
When and how did we meet:
Describe me in three words:
What was your first impression:
Do you still think that way about me now:
What reminds you of me:
If you could give me anything, what would it be:
How well do you know me:
When was the last time you saw me:
Ever wanted to tell me something you couldn't:
Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you:

Have fun~ (oh and if Ferdie-chan comments and says we're married, BELIEVE NONE OF HER LIES!!!)

P.S. Anyone wanna chat or something as I continue to avoid all the work I should be doing to get ready for school in less than 2 weeks?
