I'm Home! :D

Hi guys! I'm back from New Mexico!
*met with complete silence as people ignore her and continue to carry on with their lives.*

Anywho, to the few of you who ARE reading this and knew that I left, I had alot of fun visiting my friend down in New Mexico! Here's the short and long of what I did when I was down there: Went hiking, went and saw Up and Transfromers, watched Pink Panther 2, played in the mud, went on a picnic, had lunch in Cuba, went swimming, and planned to go on a cruise to Alaska next summer. All in all it was great fun.

And technically, I got home yesterday, but right after I got home, I went to the carnival! :D (it was the lame downtown Plainfield one, but it was a great deal of fun!). Then I came home and collapsed and slept...so now I'm typing this today. ^^

But you know...you guys were busy when I was gone. My poor update box is all filled up...I'm not sure if I'll be able to comment on everything X_x BUT if you guys have something you're really proud of or something you think I should see, then leave a comment and I'll go and have a look-see.

Alrighty guys, I'll talk to you all later!
Bye bye for now!
