new pages in chapter 3

for the rest of the day im drawing new pages for chapter 3 hopefully finishing the chapter by 9 tonight

[{btw my manga is 9 chapters long with chapter 3 beeing the longest chapter,so any who are waiting for me to do more in chapter 3 your wish is served}]

i personaly love my characters to the point of thinking their my children
[im great with children but hate them so this is what ill use as substitute lolz]
if they were real id probable wouldnt be surprized but im sure rachele would be good friends with me[ i write her using personal attributes from myself,its where her sarcasm and room design come from too]
ive always wanted to do animation but got that got canned last year so ill just havta wait till i can do it myself[of course i wouldnt be doing the animation i had a friend that could do it but he has business somewhere else now]

{unreliable boys as usual}
either way injoy my randomness all day..kay see ya...

crash is ready hahaha

yesh my printer is no longer busted(i bought a new one)
and sooo i can now upload more pages starting tonight ill uploud the rest of chapter1 and tommarro chapter 2 and so on hahaha ill update as a page comes out so dont be worried.

{oh the humanity}

LISTEN TO THIS in order for the weak to overcome the prideful,we must all do our part and help to resurrect,in doing so we havta kill all religious fugitives from poisoning our religions{note this is an atheist speaking} ever other father and holy priest will mock the good for being themselves and tell you of sins that don't exist.what kinda world allows such stupidity and actually fallows instead of fallowing the religions who would kill god rather then rejoice in truth.jump up out of your couches cause this is reality.

{or at least that's what the most annoying commercial for a religion would say as i watch yugi-oh on youtube.}

{for all those wondering this is sarcastic and its meant to be a rant about Scientology commercials that a frequently spliced in to the youtube commercial slot of 4kids' yugi-oh and yugi-oh gx showings.i hate religious blabber by idiots and Scientology is the worst of em. shut up nobody cares let me watch yugi-oh in peice}

note:why edit the card game to have the type of monsters more children orientated like changing angel type to fairy type,or demon to fiend.just to have an intrusive commercial about a hokey religion on god and hope isn't OK but aliens are...what kinda religion is scientology any way(the stupid Firefox thing wants me to capitalize scientology every time i mention it.}

ok im done
this is cool

wanna see who i am?

here i am tada

after im done with crash!! i had this awsome dream of vampires (youll need to see it before you truely appretiate it though]right now crash!! is beeing refined im ganna do all i can to get this comic too you.thank you