Tricked or Treated?

I transformed my dice into spiders as we rushed to the tree house. The spiders went ahead and created a web to trip up the trio. Only Lock tripped and fell down. Inside the tree house, Shock was about to call Oogie when Rosaxi cut off the cable in time. Barrel wrote a letter, put the letter and a big bug in a cage, then threw the cage in a hole on the wall.

"Why you little-!?" I tried to strangle the little kids with my bare hands when Rosaxi stopped me.

"I summoned a ghost to get the letter. Nothing can go wrong!" Rosaxi reasured me. A ghost came into the room. He had nothing. Suddenly, a loud burp was heard. The cage came back from the hole, only to find the bug eaten and the letter gond. A new letter was the only thing inside.

"You were saying?" I said sarcasticly. Rosaxi picked up the note and read it.

"Dear Rosaxi, Thanks for the information. I'll be checking you out later, Ragdoll. From O.B." Rosaxi started to read, "PS I have a suprise for you." Our eyes widened as the letter started to smoke. We got ready to attack, but a pair of yellow and red dice came out.

"Wow, not a single heartless!" I was suprised.

"Besides the fact that Halloween Town might be destroyed, I love these new dice." Rosaxi picked up the dice.

"I have an idea! If you meet Oogie in person, then he'll be too busy with you to torture Jack." I whispered. Rosaxi nodded.

"After Jack's lessons, meet me right here at the tree house at Midnight. Don't tell Jack or Sally." I said. We shook hands on it.
