Woo hoo!!! i am out! im free for the summer! Only two problems though: 1. i have a job 2. i babysit all summer oh well. theres always next summer. and next summer i will be sixteen!! (actually this winter) only highlight of my summer is i might go "cabining" with two of my friends and the guy i like. and thats worth the wait.

School almost out

Yay!!!!!!!!!! School (for me at least...) is out on wednesday. finally! oh, but wait. next tuesday and wednesday i have to go back for provincials. but a few people i've talked to have already gotten out, or have been out for a long time. what about you guys?


ok. so i've seen a few people look at my world, an i think this: "this thing looks kind of empty... ..." yeah i got nothing. well, this weekend i bought new manga for the first time in a month because i have a job now (yay) i bought vampire knight, naruto and black cat. so today i went to go downtown and buy new manga and oh no! i lost my bank card. but have no fear, this actually happens to me two or three times a month. its so sad...


so i'm finally back from the states. actually i got back tuesday night but my step brother always hogs the computer. i really dont have much to say, but i should probably start making a new wallpaper. dont know what thats going to be about so if you have any requests or suggestions, pm me. although i will start on a recap of the sasuke-itachi fight.

anti-brand name

92% of american teens would die if acrombe and fich told them it was uncool to breath. post this in your blog if your one of the 8% laughing their asses off!

i think this is pretty funny! i dont wear any brand names, honestly they're overrated. your paying big bucks for clothes that aren't even going to fit you for that long. i'm pretty cheap though, and i mostly wear jeans and band tees(not that those are really cheap).

what bands do you guys listen to? i mostly listen to anything metal or heavy rock. but thats not very specific...