Kill Me Baby Review

Now lets look at something completely different, time to look at a crappy gag comedy in Kill Me Baby.

Sonya is a world class assassin, Yasuna is an idiotic naive student, Agiri is a laid back ninja, no one cares about the unused character. Together an average day of school is Yasuna deliberately annoying Sonya, Sonya reacting by causing grievous bodily harm to her, and Agiri watching in the background or sometimes pulling rubbish ninja tricks, this is all 13 episodes in a nutshell and nothing else to write about plot wise; while I didn't expect much out of a series that was originally a 4-Koma comic, this is really all there is to know.
As this is a gag comedy, one based around slapstick, is it funny? Not if there's only one joke in the whole show.
I'm serious, there is no other joke other than Yasuna annoys Sonya, Sonya nearly kills her and Agiri just jumps in every now and again, even with the different scenarios they try to concoct it really doesn't change the feel of the show.
There wasn't any faith in this show whatsoever and even the dubbing team felt that way with no attempt at lip syncing and while the dub actors did try to make the most of it you can tell a couple of them just wanted the show to end by the simple tone of sarcasm from Agiri in particular.
Slapstick only works based on the reactions of the people involved, it doesn't work when there is too much dialogue breaking apart the punchline, for example if Tom & Jerry were talking during their classic chase scenes it would ruin the moments of hilarious reactions when Tom gets hurt, the pioneers of the art form come from silent films such as ones done by Charlie Chaplin, while not entirely devoid of sound and dialogue in this day and age, you can still make the art form work if the reactions of it's characters work well, however it needs more than just a simple bonk on the head to be successful and can easily out stay it's welcome which is what happened in this anime. 25 Minutes of the same slapstick just gets stale and I had to put up with 13 episodes of it while an average Tom & Jerry short is 5 Minutes making it easier to digest and every episode is fresh with new material, Kill Me Baby doesn't have any other material; in fact from my viewpoint, Yasuna is the type of person I'd rather not associate with and much of Sonya's reactions are justified as she continuously tries to annoy her with the most random crap to ever cross her mind and in the end, that just makes her a jerk.
Final Verdict: One joke comedy anime that fails to hold the attention of any normal human being, you see one third of an episode then you've pretty much seen the whole series, nothing changes, the characters are annoying and I feel this is less a comedy, more trolling because I feel that's what Yasuna is doing to me while watching this.
