The Endless Wardrobe Catching Fire

Welcome to another rousing news report from the Endless Wardrobe, today is special as I am pleased to announce a Brand New World!

Welcome to the Fantasy Zone!

No not that one but you'll find The Fantasy Zone along with the other Worlds on my profile page or as I upload content.

So What's it About?
The Fantasy Zone is a World covering the lesser elements of the anime world such as the clothes, the weapons etc. It's presented as a TV Channel hosted by the cast of Victory Script.

Wait So What Will Happen to the Victory Script World?
It'll remain in place and proper character background stories will be added to better explain the presenters.

And Walk of Fame
The next entry is ready to go.

And Retro Retrospective?
Even this world will have a proper review shortly as we dive back into the vault to place in a British Superhero cartoon, followed by a Cartridge Diaries review of Space Harrier.

Will You Actually Keep to Schedule This Time?
Other than a four day break at the end of the month for Kitacon Anime Convention it should be easier to manage from now on, my writers slump has ended.
