2D Design/ "Ted Talk"

Hello everyone, how are we all doing? I hope everyone is staying safe. Before I joined the military, I took a fall semester of classes, and retook 2D design. Taking it again the second time was definitely not a mistake nor a waste of money, I learned a lot more than I did the first time through. After that class was when I enlisted and went down a different path. Its been interesting, I definitely joined the military at the right time. As soon as I got in, that was when all this covid shit really hit the fan. Boot camp was easy, I got out and schooling was the tough part, not because the subjects where hard, but because there was a test every week. That is not something I am used to. But even with those challenges I finished my first school and I am currently waiting on my second. But enough about the boring stuff, back to the reason I made this post in the first place. Taking the 2D design class over again was easy, the only project that had me slightly frustrated was the "leave the middle open" assignment. We had to make 15 thumbnails of art that left the middle open without it being the center point. Now I know what you are thinking, "that's easy" but in reality, it isn't. You try it and get back to me and let me know what you think. Heck I'll even make it interesting, if you can give me three original pieces of leaving the middle open, Ill make you a wallpaper or artwork if you succeed.

After all was said and done we where then tasked with making different patterns: asymmetrical, symmetrical and one more.(Can't remember) the last task was adding texture and color. This is an example of one of the thumbnails I was working on. This wasn't the one I turned in, but it later turned into a Christmas present for my sister, because she loves Invader Zim. I finished it (by adding the texture and color) then threw it into a shadow box and gifted it to her.

I definitely have improved on my drawing skills. I also look at art in different ways. I am still trying to figure out where I want to post the sketches I have, on my world, or in my portfolio, stay tuned for more, and stay SAFE
