Hello, welcome to my world. I hope you all enjoy my weirdness. To be honest I really don't know how many people see my world anymore.....I mean the O's pretty dead. I know this world keeps changing, no metaphor intended. But this has to be my third time updating this introduction, and I am updating it in a time during a crisis;covid, 2020. I have a somewhat stable life right now, I joined the military and as of right now am currently attending my A school. My journey has been fun. I know there are a lot of mistakes in my world, ie: spelling errors and cringiness that shouldn't have been a thing, as well as videos that don't work anymore. However I am leaving them there so that when I look back on it, I can see just how much I have grown. (I have grown a lot) To those of you who see this now; Know that there is greatness within you!

INFO: Updated 7AUG20
I am 21 and in the Military,

About me: I love to game, if you have a PS4 hit me up and say that you are someone from the O and I will add you, my username is GammaRayRay, if you don't say you are from the O I will not know who you are.

Games that I really love:
MGS (Metal Gear Solid)
Kingdom hearts
Little Nightmares
Legend of Zelda

I hope you enjoy this world, and stay golden ^~^


I dipped my hands into photography, I am still learning so its not the best that's out there, however, I will say that I have an eye for it. I'll try posting some of my photos here, mostly for feedback. I love feedback, I won't be able to get better without it. If it turns out you like my photos, Instagram is a great place to check them out. My Instagram is here: https://www.instagram.com/gammaray_ray/

I hope you are all safe best wishes,
