sarah moon's reaper

Name:Emily Rose
Date of birth:June 4th,1906
Past:She was the daughter of a very powerful and ruthless business man that was the target of much hatred.
Hair color: a very light blond
Hair style: pig tales tied with frilly ribbons
Eye color: light blue
Clothing:A beautiful Lolita black dress
Personality:Very harsh on people,cold,unfeeling,but does have a lot of knowledge which is sometimes funny because she's in the form of a 8 year old girl since that's when she died.
Cause of death: One of her fathers old business partner that was fired by him had kidnapped her for ransom money but her father refused to pay the high ransom and she was killed in retaliation.
Entry fee:All her emotions.
What side are you on:Reaper
Psych:She can manipulate gravity (this allows her to fly,and use objects around her as weapons,and the person themselves.)
