Art is not a popularity contest

I found this qoute by an artist named Jan Harrison to be so true its gonna be my new motto.

"My Advice is to not fall into thinking that art is a popularity contest, and not fall into egotism. Try to witness yourself. Don't put other people on pedastals and don't put yourself on a pedestal. There are plenty of artists in the world, but if you are true to yourself, you will be special in your own way."

And I say if someone dislikes the things you draw or write, and they tell you to stop, dont! You shouldnt care what other people think what matters is what you think as long as you like it dont quit.
A Writer wouldnt stop writing just because someone disliked thier story's, those few people are specks on a whale compared to the whole that enjoy it.

So keep doing what you do and love it because you imagined it.
