This is my blog, enjoy reading the thoughts in my head!


life of an assasin

so i just got done watching ninja assasin with my friends (yea i know its kind of old now,but still) and i was just thinking. life as an assasin would be so cool. if i got to choose my own path. the whole plot behind ninja assasin SPOILER!! is the fact that we as people no matter who we are should be able to choose our own paths. now thats the moral of the story from my point of view. not being able to choose how you live your life, who is in it, and what you do in it. i couldnt even fathom that. i was also thinking.. some people express their pain in was that are completely uncalled for. i'm sure by reading that we all have a picture in our head of a moment in time where we did or saw someone else over-react in a burst of pain. whether its physically or emotionally. idk its super late and im mad tired. im pretty sure that when i read this in the morning im going to want to delete it, lmao.
