OK so this world is like all my other worlds.It includes all,no most,of my poetry and a few other things.So basically this realm is where you will find most of my poems.If you would like to request anything,please do.I love to write poetry and lots of it tells a story from different points of view.So if you would like me to write a poem about someone or something,please just send a comment or message me.

Love Sucks (original)

Love sucks
It is like walking through a living hell
It is like living another agonizing day
It is the most unbearable thing in life
It is hate
It is jealousy
It is anger
It s hate,jaelousy,and anger all wrapped into one thing
Love sucks
And if anyone should love
Let them love that all consuming hatred

Avenged Sevenfold: Afterlife

One of my Favorite Vid's!!

Honestly I know this is going a little overboard and all that,but what can I say?I love this video.If I could watch it anytime I wanted,I probably would.I love the Final Fantasy series.And I can't wait for FF-13 to come out in the U.S.Seriously.Here's the 1000 words music video from FF X-2.I hope you like.

I hope you enjoyed the music video.

Seether ft. Amy Lee: Broken

I love this music video.I hope all of you will too.Hopefully any way.

Can you teach me to....

Can you teach me to love?
I want to know what it's like to love some one
Can you teach me to laugh?
Because I don't know what laughter is or how to laugh
Can you teach me to feel?
Because I've never felt anything for any one or anything
In all honesty I've felt...lonely
But never have I felt anything like love,happiness,or any good emotions
I've always been a void to which emotion may come
But it will never be felt
I've always been lonely
But I don't consider loneliness an emotion
Loneliness has become a part of me
The only thing I can't do is actually feel
Just admitting the fact is like ripping my heart out of my chest
Leaving me empty and hollow inside
I've never felt loved or anything similar to it
Not once in my life
I guess that's just how my life has been made
To make me a look like a lonely,distant person from everyone around me
I've walked through huge crowds of people
But I've never felt like I ever belonged
Seeing you with these people;
Your family
I think that's what you told me long ago
When we first met;
I want to be able to feel happy
I want to love people like you
I want to be able to smile and laugh with other people

But I can't
Those rights have been ripped from me and thrown aside
Just so some people could make me into some horrible monster
A monster that thrives in a death
A monster who lives to create havoc and choas
A monster who reeks destruction in her path
A monster who can never have anything wondeful and so full of life
I hated to admit it
But I have to say that I am a monster
I killed many people
Innocent people
People who had families and friends
People who had lives
Yet I killed them
Without ever thinking of giving them a chance to defend themselves
But I...I...don't know how to feel
Except for when I kill

Can you teach me how to love?
I want to know what it feels like to be loved by someone
Can you teach me how to have fun?
Because I don't know what fun is
Can you teach me to laugh?
Becasue I've never laughed before
Can you teach me to feel all these things?
Because I've never been loved or known what it's like to feel anything for anyone