
I lost another one to ditech.com....

Not really, I just wanted to say that... Though I did just lose a friend over religious differences, in a nutshell.. >>;

About a week ago, I was talking to him and he started insulting me and Christianity. I said one thing wrong, and I didn't even mean it the way I said it. He's been insulting me and hurting me over my religion, and it got worse after that, of course.
He just decided to confront me tonight about how I insulted him, without caring that he insulted me just as badly. Even though I explained what I meant, told him it wasn't my intention to insult him, and apologized, he still said he could never forgive me because no friend had ever insulted him the way I had.
So it's ok to offend me, but don't dare offend him. That's fair and friend-like.

I hate how people treat Christians as poorly as they would a murderer, thief, rapist, or child molester. I know that it's clarified that Christianity doesn't mean you'll be treated like a hero or anything... but it still hurts to lose someone who's been a good friend to you for years...
