Ahh! Love Triangle DX

So. Two guys. Where one is weak, the other is strong. But, as everyone knows, you just simply can't have two boyfriends at once.


Okay, so neither have exactly professed love to me or anything, but I can easily see us together. I'm both of their best non-related female friends (I think) and I see both of them on a daily basis.

Let me begin by describing them:

Guy 1: I've asked him a date twice. Both times "his parents had stuff he wanted to do." Now, I've heard him talk about his parents, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was true. However, twice? In a row? Just a wee bit fishy, dontcha think? He's sweet, funny, and is (for the most part) okay with just a bit of physical contact. He seems to pay more attention to me than Guy 2. However, he doesn't really like anime, and hasn't seen any of it. We also have widespread opinions on other things (he's a hardcore dog person, and I... prefer cats). It feels less secure and more awkward with him, yet he seems to be the easier guy to get.

Guy 2: I haven't asked him on a date, but I plan to soon. While he isn't exactly an otaku, he's half-Japanese and, well, he respects that. He respects and integrates his heritage in his daily life (i.e. he doesn't usually use physical contact, he is never very loud, etc.) He's seen and likes some anime, and he is one of the most hilarious guys I have ever met, and he is usually whenever Guy 1 is absent (or just isn't paying attention to me). However, on multiple occasions his male friends have tried to convince him to ask a girl out, and every time he's declined. (This doesn't mean he's completely unromantic or gay, as about a year ago he did say he liked a girl) I feel more stable with him, especially since I've known him for a lot longer than I've known Guy 1, but he still seems a bit harder to get.





Please? ;u;
