Welcome to Ranmarama!

Stole this from Hanawa

5 Things Meme


5 Nicknames:
1. n-chan (on theotaku)
2. alyssa (at work/school)
3. gina (not in a nice way)
4. meow meow meow (?)
5. people just call me alyssa usually...

5 Best Friends:
1. hanawa
2. ecnelisterger
3. hulaberry
4. none yet, we should be friends.

5 Enemies:
1. math

5 Generic Things About You:
1. Gender: Female
2. D.O.B: July 15, 1991
3. Location: Indiana
4. Hair colour: Dark Blonde
5. Eye colour: Hazel/Brown

5 Features About Your Face:
1. big eyes
2. little ears
3. ugly thick eye brows.
4. straight teeth
5. acne (:-/)

5 Physical Features you like about yourself:
1. i have really small, feminine hands
2. i like my big eyes
3. i don't have crooked teeth
4. few visable scars
5. uhm...

5 Physical Features You Hate About Yourself:
1. big, rock lee eyebrows
2. kinda flat chested...
3. very VERY straight hair (i want wavy hair)
4. thin nails
5. acne

5 Random Facts About You:
1. left handed
2. kinda left winged
3. my mom baught me a chocolate rose, but i dont want to open it.
4. kind of obsessive (=-o)
5. my favorite pokemon is mr mime

5 Things About Your Personality:
1. perfectionist
2. anal retentive
3. opinionated
4. restless
5. Tactless (probably number one, i get into lots of trouble)

5 Colors You Like:
1. green
2. purple
3. pink
4. black
5. yellow

5 Foods You Like:
1. Tuna Helper
2. Shrimp
3. penna rosa (my boyfriend is a GREAT noodle chef)
4. deviled eggs
5. mac n cheese

5 Bands You Like:
1. sonic youth
2. devo
3. white stripes
4. nirvana
5. madonna

5 Scents You Like:
1. uhhhhh, pepper.

5. Movies You Like:
1. The Shining
2. Wayne's World
3. Hairspray (the new one)
4. Mean Girls
5. Rocky Horror

5 Celebrities You Like:
1. Johnny Depp

5 Things About Your Best Friend:
1. An artist
2. Hot headed
3. Extremely caring
4. Smart
5. cute!!!

5 Things About Your Crush:
1. long blonde hair
2. ^the one i describe above

5 Hobbies:
1. watching ranma
2. listening to music
3. theotaku.com
4. eating noodles
5. studying

5 Talents:
1. writing
2. resident evil 2



dont forget about the ranma 1/2 challenge i am judging!!!

i'm getting anxious, submit stuff!!!

i'm sick

this is no good, they still make you do stuff when you're sick!!!

boredom again

the snowpacalypse is pretty boring really.

just sitting here...

i uploaded a comic i wrote back in high school. it's funny (to me) probably not to other people.

we got a ton of snow. i dont have a camera or i'd show you (i'd really like a camera)

that's right. articuno caused this storm. dumb birdie...

snowpacalypse 2011

the midwest is in for the storm of the last fifty years. (this storm effects 29 states)

we are supposed to get at least two feet of snow in the next two days. my school has already shut down. as a response, a new facebook group has been created.

"Snowpacalypse 2011"

It is a group that posts tons of hilarious snow related images. all of them (well, nearly all of them) are SOOO FUNNY. lol.

on that note (not really on that note at all) i have a new challenge.

check it out