Welcome to Ranmarama!

Black Jack

i got paid yesterday!

i had kind of a hole in my pocket today (if you know what i mean)

so, i visited the comic shop, not expecting to find anything. and wouldnt you know...

i found two volumes of "Black Jack"!!! These comics are sooo hard to find!

Osamu Tezuka was/still is the greatest manga writer to ever live! I am so happy I found my favorite of his comics, Black Jack, today!!!

(oh and, my friend let me borrow their camera, it is a really nice one)


i am very excited about the ranma contest!!!

please, do not think i am not very committed to the cause, i know i have not been updating much lately, but school has been very demanding as of late.

fear not, next tuesday, i'll figure out all that contest stuff!

please enter!

i've been working really hard, kakashi knows what i mean!

mr moustache

i dont really like the whole song, but i love that first part...

fill me in on your new vision
wake me up with indecision

love it!

i've been rather busy this week (not that anyone is too heart broken, i think i am talking to myself here) but! a perfect on my science exam!!! my teacher is proud i think (and so am i) sooo, instead of making computer graphics that nobody looks at, i aced a test (that no one will ever look at)

Reagan Smash

i went to the book store today. there was an entire section devoted to ronald reagan's legacy.

ronald reagan was a terrible man, and deserves no praise for his selfish/racist/insensitive politics.

yeah, i know he's dead, so i shouldn't insult him too deeply, but i hate seeing piles of literature about his legacy, it makes me sick.

he was a terrible man who did not care at all about the common man, or really any man.


man... i thought i nailed that "terrible ecard" contest, and i didnt even make honorable mention...

i always get bummed about that stuff. :-/

this is my favorite poorly made card ever. it's SO funny. i wish i could give the maker a big smooch.

it's finally getting warm enough to ride my bike, which is good, i've been feeling rather lazy as of late. :-P

i nailed my environmental science test.

things are pretty good. i am greatful. or is it grateful? not sure, dont feel like checking, i studied my butt off for the past few days, now i feel i should relax.