Email Clutter and Other Stuff

Ladies and gentlemen, Weird Al Yankovic.

I was going to use a completely different music video for this post, but when I ran across the video above it just spoke to me. Seems like I'm always cleaning a lot of crap out of my email inbox these days. I sign a few online petitions for worthy causes and suddenly I'm getting like twenty emails from politicians asking me to donate money to them every hour. So each time I check my email, I spend like twenty minutes deleting all that crap. The only emails I really care about are the ones from my friends and relatives and from FanFiction.Net. Just about everything else is just garbage.

Anyway, I just wanted to do a post telling everyone how I've been these past few days. The only significant things I really have to report are the events of today and the previous weekend. To begin with, the last weekend didn't go at all as planned. In fact it would be accurate to say that many of my plans were torpedoed. Last Friday my aunt and I were planning on going to the zoo. My aunt even checked to see what events at the zoo were going on an planned out an itinerary of sort. So that Friday I make sure to wake up early, even though I normally sleep in on a Friday because it's kind of my day off. Then my aunt calls me and tells me that she's too sick to go to the zoo. She had like a sinus headache or something. She said that if she felt better we could at least have lunch at this one greasy diner out side of town, but I just couldn't get excited about that.

The weekend wasn't a total loss though. That Saturday my aunt and I did go to lunch in the city and then we did some shopping at Target. I got a couple of packs of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards and found a card I've been wanting to get my hands on for a while. More importantly though, I had some other big plans for later that evening. One of the movie channels I get was going to show a small Godzilla movie marathon. Yes, that's right. I like Godzilla movies. Specifically some of the more recent ones that feature Mothra and MechaGodzilla. Not so much the older ones from the 1960s and 70s, and certainly not that piece of crap staring Mathew Broderick.

So anyway, it's a big night. I got the house to myself because my dad went to go watch some big football game with my grandparents. The marathon starts up, but only halfway through the first movie everything gets preempted to show some dumb college football game that nobody's going to give a rat's ass about a hundred years from now! That just completely ticked me off! For one thing, I don't like football period. I view it as something akin to gladiatorial combat that's just a total waste of time. Sorry if I just offended any football fans who might be reading this, but that's how I feel.

So back to my original topic, it's safe to say that the Godzilla marathon was pretty much shot to hell. Of course it wasn't a total loss. That channel still showed one of the Godzilla movies that I wanted to watch, and I was able to record it. It featured both Mothra and MechaGodzilla. Though Mothra did die towards the end, so that was kind of a downer. Even so it was pretty good by Godzilla movie standards. Even so, chances are that channel isn't going to show those movies again for a long time. If they ever do. Well… I guess I at least have a few more possible items for my Christmas list this year.

As for today this afternoon didn't quite go as planned either. I had this assignment I had for the one online class I'm taking that I had to get done, and I thought it was going to take me about twenty minutes to get done. But it ended up taking me about two and a half hours. Part of it was because I had to look stuff up. The other part was that I had to transcribe a lot of things. I had written my assignment in a Word document, but for some reason I couldn't copy and paste it. Maybe it was because I was using FireFox to log into my class, I don't know. If that is the case, then I have yet another reason to dislike FireFox. So the time I was going to use this afternoon to work on another chapter of my current fanfic went down the drain. Instead I decided to try and finish this one wallpaper I was working on, but it ended up being kind of a failure.

That's pretty much it for this post. Sorry it ended up being kind of long, but then I had a lot to say. I think I'll close with the song I was originally planning to use. This following song kind of reflected my mood a little during that weekend I just talked about.

Ladies and gentlemen, Neil Diamond.
