It's Finally Dead

Ladies and gentlemen, Loverboy.

At last, this horrid week is finally dead. Well, almost dead anyway. There's still Saturday, but that's nothing. But yeah, I haven't had a very good week this week. It all kind of started to go down hill on Monday. The archive was packed with extra volunteers, so it was kind of a madhouse. Then that afternoon I watched this one movie that was running on TV, a 1982 film called Buster. Boy was that a mistake. The reason I watched the movie was because it stared Phil Collins. I mean I wasn't expecting a musical, but I figured there'd be a few good songs playing throughout the movie. It turned out that there were only two songs played during the movie, and they were played right at the end. And the movie itself just sucked. Of course the songs that were featured in the film were two of Phil Collins' greatest hits.



Both great songs, but the movie they were featured in just absolutely sucked. And for some reason after seeing that movie, the energy I had for writing this one fanfic I had started work on had just been sucked right out of me. On Tuesday I went for a walk to try and get that energy back. During that walk I saw a great blue heron at this little pond in town (for details, see my last post). That was the only really cool thing that happened to me this week, but the walk itself did nothing to get my energy back. The next day I ended up with a sore throat that at the time I thought was only due to my sinuses draining due to changing weather. But I'm pretty sure now that I've caught another cold.

It probably didn't help that during my walk on Tuesday the temperature was in the lower forties. It's a little better than it was this morning, but right now my head feels like a sock stuffed with dead tissues. So it's safe to say that I haven't gotten my energy back for writing my next fanfic. But at least the week is finally over. Tomorrow I intend to spend the day just relaxing and reading manga. Hopefully that will happen unless something really unexpected happens. Like my aunt needs me and my dad to come over and help move some heavy piece of furniture.

Anyway, I hope everyone else's week has gone better than mine. Until next time.
