Just a world, full of randomy goodness

This is for the lols

AFK all day

I won't be on today, as I'll be all the way in West Chester PA.I'll be back about 4ish.

AFK all weekend

so, tomorrow, sunday, and monday I won't be at my computer. Eri, so sorry, but we won't be rping all weekend. See ya Tuesday.


So, I'm reading Rurouni Kenshin, and in chapter 161 this shows up. WTF? Is the artist a One Piece fan?

Prom dress

My pink. Princess. prom dress. Yes, it's pink.


And e's here



*runs in circles* My braces came off today!Finally! After 5 years! Now I have retainers, and and even bigger lisp. Oh well, their off!!!