My Next Spanish Writing Assignment

My last assignment was a descriptive one, this next one is a continuation of story. I read the two we can choose from and didn't like either one writing about either one would be like writing a fanfic about something I really dislike. They were too realistic, and the characters already too defined, but then I found a third option, that allows me to continue this : Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí "When he awoke, the dinosaur was still there" yep, that's the whole story, not kidding. It's by a Guatemalan author that likes to joke and sometimes even refers to it as a novel

I am so working with that one. It can go so many ways. I'm torn between turning into a Paleontological Exploration story drawing inspiration from Indiana Jones or into a darker story...

Since I can include dialogue, I'm not too worried about meeting the page count.
